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WAVE 2 INTERVIEW Parent / Focal Child (Age 10-17) / Focal Child (Age 18-23)


Household Composition (MA1-MA9, MB1-MB23)  
Birthdate | Marital status | Detailed household composition | Householder | If absent spouse: reason for absence

Sons and Daughters Living Elsewhere (MC1-MC40) 
Own and spouse/partner's

Goings and Comings of Children (MC41-MC44, MD1-MD42) Own and spouse's 
Children on T1 and not mentioned in above | Children on roster at both T1 and T2 | Children on roster at T2 but not T1 | Children on roster at T1 but not T2 | Children under 18 on roster at neither T1 nor T2

Caregiving and Receiving (ME1-ME55)  
Long-term physical or mental conditions for all household members | Anyone in household need assistance | R given/received assistance in last 12 months to/from anyone not living with them | R given/received help in last 12 months to/from anyone living with them

Relationship with Parents (MF1-MF120) 
Mother, father, spouse/partner's mother, spouse/partner's father, step-parents: Living, age, date died, health (not for step), relationship with, marital status, where live, frequency of contact | Parent types alive at T1: Ever live in R's household since T1 | Own parents: Ever live in household of R's sibs since T1; ever patient in nursing home or long-term care facility since T1 | All parent types: help given and received in past month, hospitalization, physical and mental health, income problems

Coresidence with Parents (MF121-MF148) 
R lived with parent both T1 and T2: anytime not living with parent since T1 | R lived with parent T1 not T2: date and reason apart | R lives with parent T2 not T1: date and why began living with parent | R lived with parent at neither T1 nor T2: live with parents at any time since T1

Relationships with Adult Children (MG1-MG19) 
All children (and spouse/partner's children) aged 19 or older, help given/received in past month

Siblings (MH1-MH8) 
Number of living sibs including step and half | How far away | How often see any, phone or letter

Grandparenting (MH9-MH22) All respondents whose children have children  
Number of grandchildren | Age youngest, age oldest | Nights which any grandchild stayed overnight without parent in past 12 months | Frequency contact in last 12 months | Relationship quality | Responsibility for a grandchild for 6 months or more

Characteristics of New Spouses (MH23-MH46) 
Parental family intact | Mother's education, father's education | Race/ethnicity | T1 characteristics

Marriage, Cohabitation, Dating and Widowhood (MI1-MI203)
Dates of marriages, separations, divorces and widowhoods since T1 | Dates of beginning and end of all cohabitations since T1 | Characteristics of partners for those married since T1 (or first cohabitation partner if no marriage since T1 | If neither cohabiting nor married at T2: how likely to ever marry, cohabit ; dating; if have steady partner | Widowed since T1: cause of death, medical conditions, care required, where lived, help from others, when last worked | Characteristics if spouse was a nonrespondent at T1

Fertility (MJ1-MJ34) 
Women under age 50 and Men with a wife/partner under age 50
Biological and adopted children since T1 | Currently pregnant | Future birth plans

Problem Inventory, all Children 5-17 (MK1-MK43) 
(Format is to ask "if any" with respect to a list of all children, then which)
Difficulty or ease in raising | Long-lasting physical condition, mental or emotional problem | Dropped out of school or not been able to attend school for at least 3 months | Repeated a grade | In trouble with police | Skipped school or cut classes | Gotten [someone] pregnant while not married | Seen a therapist for emotional problems since T1

Focal Child Age 5-17, Behavior and Outcomes (ML1-ML91)
Global health, height, weight | Grade in school | Average grades | Good at athletics or sports, art or design, music, making or fixing mechanical things | Total education parent thinks child will get | Friends | Spend time last week in one-on-one activities | Rewards and punishments | Frequency in last 30 days talk about: something worrying child, something child was excited about | Given child a hug/kiss or spanked child in past week | How influence | Allowed to be home alone at certain times | Curfew | R and child's contact about school | School child attends | R's involvement in child's school | TV watching | Chores and allowance | Other money earned | Proportion of child's earnings saved and spent | Driver's license | Vehicle ownership and access | Dating | Open disagreements | Overall quality of relationship | Child's relationship with R's parents

Problem Inventory, Children 18-23 (MK44-MK72) 
(Format is to ask "if any" with respect to a list of all children, then which)
Difficulty or ease in raising | Long-lasting physical condition, mental or emotional problem | Dropped out of school before completing high school | In trouble with police | Gotten [someone] pregnant while not married | Seen a therapist for emotional problems since T1

Relationships with Focal Child Age 18-23 (ML92-ML139)
Time spent together | Open disagreements | Avoid talking about certain topics because leads to arguments | Global relationship | How handle disagreements | Relationship quality | How happy with child's schooling, relationships and occupation | How likely to talk with child | How influence | If child living here: how works out, pay for room or board, amount | How much R pays for child's expenses

Problem Inventory, Child Under Age 5 (MK73-MK86)
(Format is to ask "if any" with respect to a list of all children, then which)
Difficulty or ease in raising | Long-lasting physical condition, mental or emotional problem | Seen a therapist for emotional problems since T1

New Focal Child Under Age 5 (ML140-ML183) 
Global health, height, weight | Ready for kindergarten | Behaviors during feeding | Sleeping and eating patterns | Crying and fussing | One-on-one time spent | TV watching | Preschool | Time spent per day taking care of child | Relationship | Child's relationship with R's parents

Resident Child's Absent Parent (MM1-MM86)  
Children before those with R | Characteristics at time child was born | Current marital/cohab status, had children since | Miles away | Work and income | Contact with child | How often would like child to spend time with | Grandparents on other parent's side | Influence other parent has | Frequency talk with about child | Conflict over child | R's satisfaction with other parent | Amount of child support | Legal agreement about custody and visitation

Absent Child's Other Parent (MM87-MM165) 
Children before those with R | Current marital/cohab status, had children since | State | Work and income | Contact with child | How often would like to spend time with child | Grandparents on R's side | Influence R has | Frequency talk with about child | Conflict over child | R's satisfaction with situation and other parent | Amount of child support paid | Legal agreement about custody and visitation

Rersidence History (MN1-MN10) 
Since T1, any other address or city; for each intercity move, date, city, state, and number of addresses at that location

Religion (MN11-MN13)
Religious preference, denomination, frequency attend

Educational History (MN14-MN34) 
If less than high school grad at T1: since T1 high school diploma or GED | Dates of each spell of enrollment in each school type since T1 and whether each spell mostly full-time or mostly part-time | Degrees since T1 and dates | Active duty in the military since T1

Work History (MO1-MO40) 
Whether still at T1 job | Dates of each spell of employment and full or part-time | Whether looked for a job during periods when not working | If working continuously since T1: hours worked

Current Employment (MP1-MP101) 
Main job: hours worked, employer, occupation, wage, work at home, schedule: days and times, minutes travel to work | Second job: hours, seasonal or year round, hours work at home, schedule: days and times | How many of past 52 weeks: working, unemployed, out of labor force | Looked for work in last 4 weeks | Last job: wage rate, occupation, same occupation as at age 50 (if 60-64) | Spouse's work

Income, Assets, and Debts (MQ1-MQ100) 
Amount of income for R, and if householder or spouse of householder, for each household member age 16+ | Years since 1987 in which received public assistance | If R is householder and has adult parent or child in household, payments received, living expenses R pays, gifts or loans between R and person | If R is not householder and not a child of householder: payments made, living expenses R pays | gifts or loans between R and person | Home purchases | Inheritences | Gifts or loans from/to friends or relatives | Help given/received for living or educational expenses | Value of home, real estate and vehicles | Amount of savings and investments | Debt amounts and payments | Monthly rent

Interviewer Observations, Contacting Focal Child and Parent for Interviews, Interview Date (MR1-MR35) 
Residence structure | Who present during interview | Respondent's: ability to understand, cooperativeness, interest | Amount of interruption | Rapport | Contact information for Focal Child and Parent interviews | Contact person for Respondent | Date of interview


Household Compositions (CPPAR1: PA1-PA65)
Household compostion | R's marital status, age, education | Children and grandchildren | If absent spouse, reason for absence | Householder | Contact with children | Children living elsewhere | Global quality of relationship

Marriage (CPPAR1: PC1-PC10)
Times married, for each: when began, how end, date death, divorce, separation | If cohabiting, date began | If unmarried: how likely will get (re)married someday, times dated in last month

Health and Well-Being (CPPAR1: PD1-PD40) 
Global happiness | Frequency worry about family's expenses and bills | Global health | Marital happiness | Physical or mental conditions that limit activities | Depression scale | Alcohol use | Attitudes on obligations between parents and children | Social participation, church attendance

Caregiving and Receiving (CPPAR1: PE1-PE53)
Long-term physical or mental conditions for all household members | Anyone in household need assistance | R given/received assistance in last 12 months to/from anyone not living with them | R given/received help in last 12 months to/from anyone living with them

Relationships with Parents (CPPAR2: PF1-PF120) 
Mother, father, stepparent, spouse/partner's mother, spouse/partner's father: living, age, date died, health (not for step), relationship with, marital status, where live, frequency of contact | Parent types alive at T1: ever live in R's household since T1; ever patient in nursing home or long-term care facility since T1 | Own parents: ever live in household of R's sibs since T1 | All parent types: help given and received in past month, hospitalization, physical and mental health, income problems

Relationships with Adult Children (CPPAR3: PG1-PG26)
All children (and spouse/partner's children) aged 19 or older, help and support given/received in past month | All spouse/partner's children: long lasting physical condition; long lasting mental or emotional problem

Siblings (CPPAR3: PH1-PH8) 
Number of sibs including step and half | Distance sibs live | Frequency contact

Grandparenting (CPPAR3: PH9-PH22)
All respondents whose children have children
Number of grandchildren | Age youngest, age oldest | Nights which any grandchild stayed overnight without parent in past 12 months | Frequency contact in last 12 months | Relationship quality | Responsibility for a grandchild for 6 months or more

Current Employment (CPPAR3: PP1-PP16) 
Self and spouse: employed, (if not) when last worked, usual hours, occupation; how many of past 52 weeks: working, unemployed, out of labor force

Income, Assets and Debts (CPPAR3: PQ1-PQ48) 
Amount of income for each household member age 16+ | Gifts or loans between R and friends or relatives | Householders or spouses only: value of home, real estate and vehicles | Amount of savings and investments | Debt amounts and payments | Monthly rent


School (CKYOUNG: FY1-FY33) 
Date of birth | Grade in school | Frequency in past year: had something stolen, been offered drugs, been threatened, got in fight, how feel about school, skipped school | School grades| Usual hours per week: organized athletics, other school extra-curricular activities, organized religious activities, other community youth organizations | Expected educational attainment | Occupational aspiration

Friends and Psychological Well-Being (CKYOUNG: FY34-FY52)
Friends | Frequency friends come to child's home | Dating | Sexual behavior (age 13+) | Efficacy | Self-esteem | How good looking thinks is

Activities and Attitudes (CKYOUNG: FY53-FY68) 
TV watching | Cigarette, alcohol and marijuana use | Marriage aspirations | Fertility plans | Global life evaluation

Parents and Siblings (CKYOUNG: FY69-FY127) 
Living with biological parents | If not living with bio parents, who is responsible for R? | Time spent with parents | Hugs and kisses from parents | How parent tries to influence R | Criticism and praise | Number of siblings | Relationship with siblings | Allowed to be home alone at certain times | How much parents know about: who R spends time with, how R spends money and what R does with free time | Parent's educational aspiration for R | Relationship with parents: admiration and global measure of relationship | Family atmosphere

Absent Parent (CKYOUNG: FY128-FY150)
Contact with absent parent | Changes in plans to visit | How influence | Criticism, praise | Educational aspirations for R | Talk to parent | Admiration for parent | Global relationship | Time spent with both parents | Admiration for and global relationship with absent parents of partner/spouse

Relationship with Biological Parent if Live with Neither Parent (CKYOUNG: FY151-FY160) 
Contact with mother | Admiration for and global relationship with mother| Contact with father | Admiration for and global relationship with father

Grandparents (CKYOUNG: FY161-FY177) 
Which grandparents living | Contact and global relationship with grandparents on mother's side | Contact and global relationship with grandparents on father's side


Living Arrangements and History (CKOLD1: FO1-FO35) 
Current living situation | Marital/cohab status | Number of others in household, for each: name, sex, age, marital status, relationship to R | Householder | (Only if stepchild of R1 for whom may not have from R1 history): Parent history: periods of six months or more NOT living with biomother/biofather | Ever lived on own for four months or longer | If lives with parent, how living with parent works out

Marital History (CKOLD1: FO36-FO89)  
Number of marriages; dates | First spouse and current spouse (if not first), second, third and fourth: cohabitiation with spouse before marrying | Cohabitation

Education (CKOLD1: FO90-FO141)  
High school diploma or currently attending high school | (If not hs grad) plan (expect) graduation or GED in next 12 months | Expected educational attainment, grades | Postsecondary education | Grades | Degrees and certificates/year each

Dating (CKOLD1: FO142-FO153) 
In past 30 days, times dated | Number of different dates in past 12 months | Steady boy/girlfriend | Marriage plans

Fertility (CKOLD2: FO154-FO163) 
Fertility: number of children, for each: birth date and with whom living, currently pregnant, want child sometime, desired family size, feelings if never had a (another) child, how happy first learned going to have a child

Relationships with Mother (CKOLD2: FO164-FO199)  
Frequency contact | Disagreements | Arguing and fighting | Global relationship | Feelings about aspects of relationship | How happy with child's schooling, relationships and occupation | How likely to talk with parent | How influence

Age, Religion and Economic Variables (CKOLD2: FO200-FO282)
Birthdate| Religion | Funding sources and expenses for school | Active duty | Employment history | Current employment | Occupational aspirations | Spouse/partner's employment | Self/spouse income past 12 months | Amount of savings, credit card or installment debt, other loans

Relationships with Father (CKOLD2: FO283-FO319) 
Frequency contact | Disagreements | Arguing and fighting | Global relationship | Feelings about aspects of relationship | How happy with child's schooling, relationships and occupation | How likely to talk with parent | How influence | Frequency do things with both parents

Partner Relationships (CKOLD2: FO320-FO326) 
MARRIED: Global marital happiness, stability
COHABITING: Likelihood will marry partner, global relationship with partner, stability

Social Support (CKOLD2: FO327-FO329) 
Leisure time with friends | How many persons could ask for help or advice (relatives other than parents, friends)

Attitudes and Psychological Well-Being (CKOLD3: FO330-FO372)
Gender roles, parenting, marriage, divorce, family obligations | Self-esteem | Global well-being| Satisfaction with: school achievement, career prospects, financial situation, leisure time, friendships, health, love life, physical appearance | Global health, height, weight | Partial CESD Depression scale, other depression items, efficacy

Sex and Drugs (CKOLD3: FO373-FO387) 
Sexual activity | Cigarette, alcohol and marijuana use | Ever live with problem drinker or drug abuser

Relations with Stepparents (CKOLD3: FO388-FO428)
Ever lived with stepparent | Contact | Disagreements | Arguing and fighting | Global relationship| Feelings about aspects of relationship | How happy with child's schooling, relationships and occupation | How likely to talk with parent | How influence

Siblings and Grandparents, Interview Date (CKOLD3: FO429-FO454)
Number siblings | Relationship with siblings | Contact and relationship with grandparents on mother's side of family | Contact and relationship with grandparents on father's side of family | Interview date



SE-1 Household Tasks (CRSE1-5: ID1,ID1RSN,MT1STAT-MT1I4) All Respondents
Hours per week respondent, spouse, others under 19, and others 19 and over spend doing 9 types of household tasks

SE-2 Health and Well-Being (CRSE1-5: MT2STAT-MT218J) All Respondents
Global happiness | Satisfaction | Global health | Physical and mental conditions which limit activities | Partial depression scale, self-esteem, efficacy, alcohol use

SE-3 Recent Marital Disruptions (CRSE1-5: MT3STAT-MT323) Respondents With Marital Disruption since T1
Who wanted marriage to end | Description of marriage | Arguing | Dating | Children's feeling about dating and remarriage | Involvement with others before end of marriage | Communication with former spouse, spouse's parents, friends, where lived, income before separation, state divorced

SE-4 Unmarried, not Cohabiting (CRSE1-5: MT4STAT-MT413B) Respondents Neither Married Nor Cohabiting 
How life would be different if married | Steady relationship | Frequency of sex | Attitudes | Desired number of children and employment hours

SE-5 Cohabitations(CRSE1-5: MT5STAT-MT536B)
Cohabiting Respondents
Global relationship | Future marriage plans| Happiness | Fairness in chores, work, money and child care | Time together | Frequency sex | Desired number of children and employment hours | Disagreements | Differences in life if were to seperate | Stability of relationship | Attitudes

SE-6 Marriage (CRSE6-18: MT6STAT-MT630) Married Respondents
Global relationship | Future marriage plans| Happiness | Fairness in chores, work, money and child care | Time together | Frequency sex | Desired number of children and employment hours | Disagreements | Differences in life if were to seperate | Stability of relationship

SE-7 Focal Children 5-17 (CRSE6-18: MT7STAT-MT705D) Parents of Focal Children Ages 5-17
Behavior problems and moods inventory (27 items from NLSY) | Importance of goals for children: high school, college, job, career, money, marry, children, leader, live nearby

SE-8 Focal Children 3-4 (CRSE6-18: MT8STAT-MT802K) Parents of Focal Children Ages 0-4
Behavior problems and moods inventory (27 items from NLSY)

SE-9 Parenting (CRSE6-18: MT9STAT-MT912) Parents of Children of All Ages  
Frequency spend time with children | Frequency discuss important decisions with children | Frequency change rule because of child's opinion | Family descriptors

SE-10 to SE-17 Development, 0-4 (CRSE6-18: MT*STAT-MT*15, where *=SE number) Parents of Children Under Age 5
Fifteen developmental measures from NLSY, targeted to ages in months: 0-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-15, 16-18, 19-21, and 22-47

SE-18 Family Attitudes, Social Participations, and Work (CRSE6-18: MT18STAT-MT1813B) All Respondents
Gender roles | Cohabitation, marriage, marital stability | Family obligations | Parenthood, unwed parenthood| Retirement | Social participation | Help given and received | Health insurance and pension coverage | Self definition concerning retirement (ages 55+)

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Last modified on May 20th, 2005