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Link to NSFH ftp directoryIntroduction to users of NSFH2 data files (Readme.)
Frequently Asked Questions about NSFH

In an effort to facilitate the process of downloading and analyzing our data, we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions sent to us through NSFHHELP. Please look over the FAQ list before contacting NSFHHELP for assistance.

I'm using NSFH2 data and can't find data on the respondent's race.
        This information was collected at wave 1 (variable M484). Merge your data with this variable by joining casids.

What variable is used to merge data from NSFH1 with data from NSFH2?

Within NSFH2, what variable is used to merge data from the main respondent data file with data from the spouse or ex-spouse file? How can I obtain geographical information on respondents? What is the best way to access variable frequencies? Given the person number for an individual in a household, how can I tell the relationship of this person to the respondent? Where are the survey instruments? What variable should I use to find the sex of the spouse/partner in NSFH1? I'm having problems with age variable discrepancies between NSFH 1 and NSFH2. How can I obtain skip maps? I need citation information for NSFH1 and NSFH2. Where are the interview date variables for NSFH2? Are there variables available for use with SUDAAN, and if so, how can I get them? I've read the instructions for retrieving files and obtaining data, but I still don't understand how to download them. How do I read the final weights in NSFH2?