/ Data Availability
/ Wave 1 Content /
Wave 2 Content
3 Content / Working
Papers / Bibliography
to NSFH ftp directoryIntroduction
to users of NSFH2 data files (Readme.)
Frequently Asked Questions about
In an effort to facilitate the process of downloading and analyzing
our data, we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions
sent to us through NSFHHELP. Please look over the FAQ list before contacting
NSFHHELP for assistance.
I'm using NSFH2 data and can't find data on
the respondent's race.
This information was collected at wave
1 (variable M484). Merge your data with this variable by joining casids.
What variable is used to merge data from NSFH1
with data from NSFH2?
The ID variable in columns 1-5 of each data file.
Within NSFH2, what variable is used to merge data
from the main respondent data file with data from the spouse or ex-spouse
The ID variable in columns 1-5 of each data file. Column 6 of these
files indicates which respondent.
How can I obtain geographical information on respondents?
A copy of NSFH's policy on the release of geographical variables is
available via e-mail. A mandatory confidentiality agreement must be signed
and returned to NSFH before this information can be released to the user.
What is the best way to access variable frequencies?
The codebook files (c1*.* for wave 1 and c*.* for wave 2) contain the
frequencies for the various categories or ranges of categories for each
Given the person number for an individual in a
household, how can I tell the relationship of this person to the respondent?
To find the relationship variable for the person indicated by a person
number, look in the household roster and identify the relationship variable
for the person with the same person number as given in the initial answer.
Where are the survey instruments?
The survey instrument for NSFH2 is contained in the files beginning
with "im" in the anonymous ftp directory, and the survey instruments for
NSFH1 are in the files beginning with "il".
What variable should I use to find the sex of
the spouse/partner in NSFH1?
R2SEX is the best measure for sex of the spouse/partner. There are
several errors in this variable which will be corrected in the near future.
There should be no same sex spouses/partners in the NSFH data.
I'm having problems with age variable discrepancies
between NSFH 1 and NSFH2.
We have recognized errors in the respondent's age in NSFH1. The NSFH2
age data is more reliable.
How can I obtain skip maps?
Skipmaps are now available for downloading from the NSFH public access
directory. Look for the "t*.pdf" files.
I need citation information for NSFH1 and NSFH2.
The wave one citation is "The Design and Content of The National Survey
of Families and Households." (NSFH Working Paper #1) James Sweet, Larry
Bumpass, and Vaughn Call 1988. The NSFH2 citation is James A. Sweet
and Larry L. Bumpass, The National Survey of Families and Households -
Waves 1 and 2: Data Description and Documentation. Center for Demography
and Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/nsfh/home.htm),
Where are the interview date variables for NSFH2?
The interview date variables are in MR33, MR34 and MR35, columns 5255-5260.
Are there variables available for use with SUDAAN,
and if so, how can I get them?
Yes, these variables are available. The file, sudaan.dat contains Stratum,
PSU and LA informaton for each of the NSFH respondents. sudaan.doc contains
format information for sudaan.dat. Please send e-mail to NSFHHELP (nsfhhelp@ssc.wisc.edu)
if you have questions concerning these files.
I've read the instructions for retrieving files
and obtaining data, but I still don't understand how to download them.
Here's a quick-step method for downloading files via our web site.
1. From the data availability page (http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/nsfh/avail.htm),
click on link to ftp elaine.ssc.wisc.edu (about half-way down the page).
2. Download the README., NS1SUM.ASC, NS2SUM.ASC, and NSFHFILE.LIS files
and read through them. They will help you determine which files you need.
3. Once you have read those introductory files, return to the ftp site
and click on the file you need in the directory list.
How do I read the final weights in NSFH2?
The following is an SPSS printout of the NSFH2 final weight variables:
data list file=a record=1
/1 ID
 1-5 (A)
MUFINW93 1870-1877 (A)
MUFIND93 1992-1997 (A)
Print records=1
05040 MUFINW93 .5225300
MUFIND93 52253
09912 MUFINW93 1.122330
MUFIND93 112233
11969 MUFINW93 .6263900
MUFIND93 62639
Reading MUFINW93 and MUFIND93:
file handle a/name='PROJDISK19:[215067.DATA]DRCONST.003'
data list file=a record=1
/1 ID
1-5 (A)
MUFINW93 1870-1877 (8)
MUFIND93 1992-1997 (5)
SELECT IF((ID EQ '05040') OR (ID EQ '09912') OR (ID EQ '11969')
OR (ID EQ '13965') OR (ID EQ '18566') OR (ID EQ '21595'))
.52253000 .52253
1.1223300 1.12233
.62639000 .62639
.45753000 .45753
.53487000 .53487
1.0923700 1.09237
Frequencies variables=mufinw93/format=condense
Additional questions? Please refer to the README. file, located on
our ftp site.
Last modified on June 13th, 2002