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Household History (M47-M92T04/CHKPTE2) c1main1.002
, c1main2.002
Childhood household history | Step-, half-, and full sibs | Homeleaving
experience | Periods when R's parents lived with R
Marriage and Cohabitation History (M95-M163) c1main2.002
, c1main3.002
Marriage History | Cohabitation History (Currently or Previously Married)
| Cohabitation History (Never Married) | Dating activities of not currently
married; marriage and cohabitation plans
Social Background of First Spouse (M164-M184R) c1main3.002
Previous marriages and children | Education, socioeconomic background,
religion, and intact family | Marital separations during first marriage
Married, Spouse Absent from Household (CHKPTM/M188-M201) c1main3.002
Reasons | Frequency of contact | Expected duration
Fertility History and Expectations (M202-M221) c1main3.002
, c1main4.002
Birth history | Fertility intentions
All Children Age 5 - 18 (LSTA1NUM/M246-M275P09) c1main4.002
Behavior problems| Difficulty (or ease) in raising
Children Age 0 - 18 (MFOCAL1/M276-M287/CHKPTR2) Select One
Focal Child c1main4.002
R's educational expectations for child | Separations from child | R's
and spouse/partner's difficulty dealing with child
Focal child aged 0 - 4 (M288-M304) c1main4.002
Focal child age 5 - 11 (M305A-M324R) c1main4.002
Focal child age 12 - 18 (M325A-M355) c1main4.002
Children with only one parent in household (CHKPTS/MFOCAL2-M385C)Select
One Focal Child
, c1main5.002
Information on absent parent regarding residence, marital status, other
children | Child's contact with other parent | R's contacts with child's
other parent | Conflict over child | Legal agreements regarding residence,
visits, child support, alimony | Child support payments
Step-child/partner's child (CHKPTT/MFOCAL3-M391A) Select One
Focal Child c1main5.002
Residence of absent parent of spouse's/partner's child | Child's contact
with other parent | Child support payments
Children with no biological parent in household (MFOCAL4/M392-M410A)
One Focal Child
Residence of child's absent parents | Child's contact with parents
| Child support payments
Biological children under age 19 living elsewhere (M411-M443C) Select
One Focal Child c1main5.002
When last lived with R | Current residence | Information on other parent
regarding residence, marital status, other children | R's contact with
child | Conflict over child | Legal agreements regarding residence, visits,
child support, alimony | Child support payments
Spouse/partner's biological children under age 19 living elsewhere
(M444-M454A) Select One Focal Child
When last lived with R | Current residence | Spouse's/partner's contact
with child | Child support payments
Children/step-children age 19 or older in household OR children/step-children
of any age away from home attending college (M455NUM-M471E) Select
one focal child c1main5.002
School attendance | Financial aid | R's contribution toward schooling
expenses | Child's living arrangements | Child's employment and earnings
| Child's payments to R for room or board | R's payments of child's expenses
All biological and stepchildren over age 19 not away at school, but
living elsewhere (M473-M482P10)
, c1main6.002
Children's age, marital status, own children | Current residence |
R's contact with children
Social Background (M484-M506) c1main6.002
Race | Religious preference and activity | Recent residential movement
| Parent's occupation and education | Family's receipt of public assistance
during R's youth
Secondary and Postsecondary Educational History (M507-M521E2) c1main6.002
High school or GED diploma | Postsecondary enrollment history | Degrees
and Certificates
Military Service (M523-M527F) c1main6.002
Employment (M528-M591C) c1main6.002
, c1main7.002
Employment history | Current occupation, hours, earnings | Current
second job | Current work schedule |Travel to work and away from home |
Childcare arrangements while at work | Work experience in 1986 | Occupation
at age 50
Income, Assets and Debts (M593-M667G) c1main7.002
Income (M593-M605G)
Economic relationships with other relatives living in the household
R living in household of parent or relative (CHKPTAA/M620-M632)
First home purchase (M633-M643)
Interhousehold economic transfers (M644-M649)
Assets and Debts (M661A-M667G)
Interviewer Observations (MOB1-MLANG)
SE-2 Well-Being, Role Performance, Health, Social Participation,
Social Support (E2STAT-E223FP12) All Respondents c1se1-6.002
Happiness (Global) | Depression scale (12 items) | Evaluation of roles
| Health (Global) | Alcohol or drug problems | Physical or mental limitations
| Sources of help outside household | Social activities | Participation
in organizations (15 types) | Help provided to and received from people
outside household | Help provided to and received from each adult child
SE-3 Feelings and Plans Regarding Living with Parents (E3STAT-E309F)Respondent
Living in Parental Household c1se1-6.002
How living there works out (Global) | Amount Paid to parents | Future
residence plans |Areas of disagreement with parents (10 areas) | Perceived
alteration of life if R moved
SE-4 Divorce and Separation Experience (E4STAT-E413I) R Was
Divorced or Separated After January 1, 1977 c1se1-6.002
Who wanted marriage to end? | Current relationship with former spouse
(Global) | Sources of emotional support during separation (8 sources) |
Spouse's income level prior to separation | Verbal and physical arguments
prior to separation | Resumption of dating | R's and spouse's involvements
with others prior to divorce | Contact with former spouse | Perceived changes
in life due to divorce (9 areas)
SE-5 Feelings about Marriage and Cohabitation (E5STAT-E508I)Non-married,
Non-cohabiting Respondents Age 35 and Younger c1se1-6.002
Perceived changes in life if R married (9 areas) | Marital timing considerations
(5 items) | Marriage considerations (12 items) | Sexual frequency | Attitudes
for and against cohabitation (13 items) | Attitudes toward
SE-6 Cohabitation Relationships (E6STAT-E628D2) Cohabiting
R c1se1-6.002
, c1se6-13.003
Marriage plans | Quality of relationship (Global) | Fairness in role
allocation | Time spent together (Global) | Sexual frequency | Areas of
disagreement with partner (7 areas) | Coping with disagreement | Physical
arguments | Perceived changes in life if separated (6 areas) | Probability
of separation | Attitudes for and against cohabitation (13 items) | Perceived
changes in life if R married (9 areas) | Marital timing considerations
(5 items) | Marriage considerations (12 items) | Attitudes toward
SE-7 Married Couple Relationships (E7STAT-E718) Married R
Quality of relationship (Global) | Type of marriage ceremony | Fairness
in role allocation | Time spent together (Global) | Sexual frequency |
Areas of disagreement with partner (7 areas) | Coping with disagreement
| Physical arguments |Perceived changes in life if separated (6 areas)
| Probability of separation
SE-8 Fertility Considerations (E8STAT-E8P) R is Female Age
39 or Younger, a Single Male Age 44 or Younger, or a Married Male Whose
Wife/Partner is Age 39 or Younger c1se6-13.003
Things that people consider when thinking about having a child or another
child. (16 items)
SE-9 Parenting (E9STAT-E908) All Children are Under Age 5
Time spent with children | Discipline | R's desires for child's behavior
(12 items) | Step-parenting (8 items)
SE-10 Parenting (E10STAT-E1010) One or More Children Age 5-18
Meals with children | Time spent with children | Discipline | R's involvement
in youth groups | R's desires for child's behavior (12 items) | Step-parenting
(8 items)
SE-11 Feelings About Adult Child Living in Household (SE11STAT-E1115)R
Has Adult Son or Daughter Living in Household c1se6-13.003
How child living here works out (Global) | Meals with child | Time
spent with child | Perceived alteration of life if child moved | Areas
of disagreement with parents (10 areas) | Frequency of enjoyable or difficult
times with child | R's perception of child's future residence plans | Coping
with disagreement | Physical arguments
SE-12 Relationship with Children (E12STAT-E12BP14) R or Spouse/Partner
Has Living Children
Quality of relationship with each child (Global)
SE-13 Parents, Relatives, and General Attitudes (E13STAT-E1360O)
Respondents c1se6-13.003
Information about mother | Information about father | Information about
step-parent | Brothers and sisters | In-Laws | Attitudes
c1secr1.002 , c1secr2.002
Birth date (S1M-S1F)
Ages lived with natural or step-parents (S2-S7A19)
Information about mother (S8-S16)
Information about father (S17-S26)
Brothers and sisters (S27-S37)
In-Laws (S38-S49)
Marriages and Births (S50-S54P08F)
Characteristics at marriage (S55-S59)
Cohabitation (S60-S65)
Current marriage (S66M-S84)
Fertility intentions (S85-S92)
Fertility considerations (S93A-S93P)
Relationships with children (S94-S109)
Information on absent parent of child currently in household (S110-S124C)
focal child
Information on child age 18 or younger who does not live in household
(S125-S138C) Select focal child
Adult Child Living in household (S139-S148D) Select focal child
Divorce and separation (S149-S156) If R was divorced or separated
after January 1, 1977
Information about R (S157-S170)
Military, education, and occupation (S171-S206F2)
Household Tasks (S207A1-S207I4)
Income (S208-S210)
Occupation at age 50 (S211-S212C)
Attitudes (S214A-S220O)
In the husband or wife questionnaire, questions 50 - 68 deal with marriage and cohabitation prior to marriage. This section was replaced in the partner questionnaire with the following: c1secr2.002
Dates of birth for all children (C50-C52P08F)
Times married (C53-C58)
(if previously married) How prior marriage ended (C59-C61)
Information on current cohabitation relationship (C62M-C67)
1. Date cohabitation started
2. Marriage plans
In the main questionnaire married respondents were asked the income, assets, and debt, of themselves and their spouses. Questions on these topics were not included in the spouse questionnaire. Cohabiting primary respondents were asked only about their own economic situation, and not about the situation of their partner or other household members. To complete the economic picture, a section on the partner's economic situation was included in the partner's self-administered questionnaire.
Householder's relationship with adult child living in household (TCOMPL-T20)
Householder's relationship with other adult relative living with householder
Household Tasks (T43A1-T43I4)
Marital History (T44-T48)
Quality of relationship (Global) (T49)
Areas of disagreement with spouse (6 areas) (T50A-T50F)
Relationship with children (T51-T53P12)
Alcohol or drug problems (T54-T56F)
Information about householder and spouse (T57A-T93)
Household Income (T94NUM-T95G2)
Assets and Debts (T96A1-T99G)
Attitudes (T100A-T101O)
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