Van Hise, Charles. “The Spirit of a University” 1912
Commencement address by Charles Van Hise, President of the University of Wisconsin, delivered at the 59th Commencement of the University of Wisconsin – Madison, June 19th, 1912
Weerts, David J. “Covenant, Contract, and the Politics of the Wisconsin Idea”Academe. Sep/Oct 2016, Vol. 102 Issue 5, p10-15
The article offers information on public higher education in Wisconsin. According to the author, the Wisconsin Idea was based on a moral philosophy which elevated the concept of the university as a central institution which promoted democratic decision making.
Rauschenbush, Rev. Paul Brandeis. “Religious Progressivism and the Wisconsin Idea in the 21st Century”
This is an edited version of a talk given at The Crossing at the University of Wisconsin on March 16th, 2017.
McCarthy, Charles. The Wisconsin Idea, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1912.
Following the most prolific legislative session in the history of the State of Wisconsin, reference librarian Charles McCarthy was so besieged with mail inquiries requesting how Wisconsin was able to pass so much robust and egalitarian legislation. His 1912 book entitled “The Wisconsin Idea” answers these nationwide requests and gives birth to the brand name of an already successful partnership between state government, its citizens, and its public university. This link will take you to The Wisconsin Electronic Reader Digital Archive where the entire contents of McCarthy’s 1912 publication can be viewed in your web browser.
Dix, Willard. “The ‘Wisconsin Idea’ is More Important Than Ever in Higher Education”
FORBES: March 19, 2018
The suggested TWEET for this article: “Stripping higher education, especially public higher education, of anything but pragmatic, technical or transactional courses completely undermines the mission of a college or university.”
“The Wisconsin Idea inspiring entrepreneurs beyond the University of Wisconsin”
Montana Associated Technology Roundtables
June 1, 2018