We provide raw values for total number of deaths for all-causes (starting in 1900) and for causes of death (starting in 1945) for 19 countries.
All-cause deaths:
Total number of deaths for all-causes have been adjusted as follows: (a) redistribution of population and death counts by age and sex; (b) for relative completeness of death counts and (c) for adult age misstatement. The adjustment procedures were chosen from a battery of 10-12 techniques that proved to be optimal (in the sense of mean squared error reduction) in extensive simulations that reproduced known or suspected sources of errors in the data. These adjustments are applied consistently across countries and years of observation. See data availability.
The resulting data are optimized for intertemporal and intercountry comparability.
For sources, please see documentation.
Cause-specific deaths:
Before using total numbers of deaths by cause, the values should be adjusted for relative completeness and for the size of the ill-defined group (see documentation). Adjusted figures will be included in the web site at a future date, stay tuned. See data availability.
For sources and methodology, see county data reports and causes of death in the documentation.