Faculty Coordinator

Katie Jensen | kcjensen@wisc.edu | website | Twitter
Katie Jensen is an Assistant Professor of Sociology and International Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and serves as the Faculty Coordinator of WISCER. She is a political ethnographer of race, the state, and forced migration in the Americas, with a focus on Brazil. Her work is published in Ethnic and Racial Studies, Qualitative Sociology, Social Currents, and City & Community, among other academic journals and books. She has also appeared in media outlets like The New York Times. Her book, tentatively titled The Color of Asylum: The Racial Politics of Safe Haven in Brazil, is under advance contract at the University of Chicago Press. Based on a rare ethnographic look inside the state, it examines the process of legal inclusion for refugees and the racial domination that variably manifests.
Affiliated Faculty

Max Besbris | besbris@wisc.edu
Max Besbris is assistant professor of sociology at UW-Madison. His work focuses on how individuals make decisions in economic markets, how these decisions are shaped by interactions with others, and what the consequences of these decisions are for reproducing inequality. He is the author of Upsold: Real Estate Agents, Prices, and Neighborhood Inequality, which was published by the University of Chicago Press in 2020.

Léonie Hénaut | leonie.henaut@sciences-po.fr
Leonie Henaut is an Associate Professor at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), and has been a faculty member of the Center for the Sociology of Organizations at SciencesPo Paris since 2011. She is currently an Honorary Fellow at the Department of Sociology at UW. Her research is in the sociology of work, occupations and organizations. In her early work, she revisited some of the classical concepts of the sociology of professions (professionalization, professional dominance, segmentation) using a processual approach to study the changing ecology of museum occupations in France and the U.S. She then devoted several studies to the field of elderly care in France and the U.K., with a particular interest in the transformation of the division of labor and the emergence of new roles and occupations triggered by organizational change toward integrated services and multidisciplinary teamwork. Her current projects focus on the consequences of growing work complexity and flexibility on workers’ occupational identities and on the occupational structure more broadly.

Kelly Marie Ward | kmward4@wisc.edu | website
I work in the areas of the sociology of medicine, organizational sociology, and the sociology of race, class, and gender. My current research draws on an ethnographic account of a standalone abortion clinic to explore the ways in which reproductive workers’ experience of abortion provision is shaped by competing institutional logics, as well as by cultural beliefs about bodies and intimacy in medical settings.