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University of Wisconsin–Madison
Instructor Handbook

Sexual Harassment, Mandatory Sexual Assault Reporting, and Consensual Relationships

What is Sexual Harassment?

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal of physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:

  • Submission to such conduct is a condition of employment, academic progress, or participation in a university program; or
  • Submission to or rejection of such conduct influences employment, academic or university program decisions; or
  • The conduct interferes with an employee’s work of a student’s academic career, or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work, learning, or program environment.

Tangible Action or Quid Pro Quo (This for That) Sexual Harassment and Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment are both illegal and unacceptable.

Tangible Action or Quid Pro Quo (This for That) Sexual Harassment occurs when employment or academic decisions resulting in a significant change in status are based on an employee’s or student’s submission to or rejection of unwelcome verbal or physical sexual conduct. Examples include:

  • requiring sexual favors in exchange for hiring, a promotion, a raise, or a grade
  • disciplining, demoting, or firing an employee because he or she ends a consensual relationship
  • refusing to write recommendations for a graduate student because the student refuses sexual advances
  • changing work or academic assignments because an employee or student refuses invitations for a date or other private, social meetings

Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment occurs when verbal, non-verbal, and/or physical conduct is:

  • sexual and/or based on gender,
  • unwelcome, and
  • sufficiently severe and pervasive to interfere with a person’s work/learning/program performance or to create a hostile, intimidating, or offensive environment

Click here for more information on sexual harassment (key points; defining and addressing; what to do) and the UW-Madison Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence.


Mandatory sexual assault reporting

All faculty and staff members at the University of Wisconsin-Madison share the responsibility to create safe learning and work environments and a positive campus climate. This memorandum addresses federal and state laws and a Wisconsin Executive Order that establish reporting responsibilities for all faculty and staff. I urge you to become familiar with the responsibilities and resources so you may respond appropriately when you are approached by someone regarding matters covered in this memo.

Memorandum to all university employees (Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act; Mandatory Sexual Assault Reporting; Sexual Harassment/Consensual Relationships Information; Title IX Compliance Responsibilities; Wisconsin Executive Order #54)

Visit the Dean of Students Office website for more resources regarding Sexual Assault (information and reporting), Dating and Domestic Violence; talking to a student about your concerns; and reporting an incident.


Consensual Relationships (Office of the secretary of the faculty)