R for Researchers: Regression (GLM) solutions

April 2015

This article contains solutions to exercises for an article in the series R for Researchers. For a list of topics covered by this series, see the Introduction article. If you're new to R we highly recommend reading the articles in order.

There is often more than one approach to the exercises. Do not be concerned if your approach is different than the solution provided.

  • The following preparation code was used to prepare the R session for these solutions

    ##   Environment Setup
    library(faraway)      # glm support
    library(MASS)         # negative binomial support
    library(car)          # regression functions
    library(lme4)         # random effects
    library(ggplot2)      # plotting commands
    library(reshape2)     # wide to tall reshaping
    library(xtable)       # nice table formatting
    library(knitr)        # kable table formatting
    library(grid)         # units function for ggplot
    saveDir <- getwd()    # get the current working directory
    wd <- "u:/RFR"        # path to my project
    setwd(wd)             # set this path as my work directory

Exercise solutions

  1. Use the following code to load the warpbreaks data set and examine the variables in the data set.

    'data.frame':   54 obs. of  3 variables:
     $ breaks : num  26 30 54 25 70 52 51 26 67 18 ...
     $ wool   : Factor w/ 2 levels "A","B": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
     $ tension: Factor w/ 3 levels "L","M","H": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 ...

  2. Use the poisson family and fit breaks with wool, tension, and their interaction.

    pMod <- glm(breaks~wool*tension,family=poisson, data=warpbreaks)
    glm(formula = breaks ~ wool * tension, family = poisson, data = warpbreaks)
    Deviance Residuals: 
        Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
    -3.3383  -1.4844  -0.1291   1.1725   3.5153  
                   Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
    (Intercept)     3.79674    0.04994  76.030  < 2e-16 ***
    woolB          -0.45663    0.08019  -5.694 1.24e-08 ***
    tensionM       -0.61868    0.08440  -7.330 2.30e-13 ***
    tensionH       -0.59580    0.08378  -7.112 1.15e-12 ***
    woolB:tensionM  0.63818    0.12215   5.224 1.75e-07 ***
    woolB:tensionH  0.18836    0.12990   1.450    0.147    
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
        Null deviance: 297.37  on 53  degrees of freedom
    Residual deviance: 182.31  on 48  degrees of freedom
    AIC: 468.97
    Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
  3. Check to see if this is an appropriate model. If not, choose a more appropriate model form.

    1 - pchisq(deviance(pMod),df.residual(pMod))
    [1] 0
    pMod2 <- glm(breaks~wool*tension, 
    pMod2Diag <- data.frame(warpbreaks,
                            link=predict(pMod2, type="link"),
                            fit=predict(pMod2, type="response"),
    ggplot(data=pMod2Diag, aes(x=fit, y=residSqr)) +
      geom_point() +
      geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1) +
      geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = summary(pMod2)$dispersion,
                  color="green") +
      stat_smooth(method="loess", se = FALSE) +
    `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

    nbMod <- glm.nb(breaks~wool*tension, 
    glm.nb(formula = breaks ~ wool * tension, data = warpbreaks, 
        init.theta = 12.08216462, link = log)
    Deviance Residuals: 
         Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max  
    -2.09611  -0.89383  -0.07212   0.65270   1.80646  
                   Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
    (Intercept)      3.7967     0.1081  35.116  < 2e-16 ***
    woolB           -0.4566     0.1576  -2.898 0.003753 ** 
    tensionM        -0.6187     0.1597  -3.873 0.000107 ***
    tensionH        -0.5958     0.1594  -3.738 0.000186 ***
    woolB:tensionM   0.6382     0.2274   2.807 0.005008 ** 
    woolB:tensionH   0.1884     0.2316   0.813 0.416123    
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Dispersion parameter for Negative Binomial(12.0822) family taken to be 1)
        Null deviance: 86.759  on 53  degrees of freedom
    Residual deviance: 53.506  on 48  degrees of freedom
    AIC: 405.12
    Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 1
                  Theta:  12.08 
              Std. Err.:  3.30 
     2 x log-likelihood:  -391.125 
  4. Use the backward selection method to reduce your model, if possible. Use your model from the prior problem as the starting model.

    step(nbMod, test="LRT")
    Start:  AIC=403.12
    breaks ~ wool * tension
                   Df Deviance    AIC   LRT Pr(>Chi)  
    <none>              53.506 403.12                 
    - wool:tension  2   61.712 407.33 8.206  0.01652 *
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    Call:  glm.nb(formula = breaks ~ wool * tension, data = warpbreaks, 
        init.theta = 12.08216462, link = log)
       (Intercept)           woolB        tensionM        tensionH  woolB:tensionM  
            3.7967         -0.4566         -0.6187         -0.5958          0.6382  
    Degrees of Freedom: 53 Total (i.e. Null);  48 Residual
    Null Deviance:      86.76 
    Residual Deviance: 53.51    AIC: 405.1

    No terms can be dropped from the model.

  5. Check the residual variance assumption for your model.

    nbModDiag <- data.frame(warpbreaks,
                            link=predict(nbMod, type="link"),
                            fit=predict(nbMod, type="response"),
    ggplot(data=nbModDiag, aes(x=fit, y=residSqr)) +
      geom_point() +
      geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1) +
      geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = summary(pMod2)$dispersion,
                  color="green") +
      stat_function(fun=function(fit){fit + fit^2/summary(nbMod)$theta},
                    color="red") +
      stat_smooth(method="loess", se = FALSE) +
    `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

    The negative binomial model is closer to means of the loess line than to the quasipoisson model. The range of values predicted by the model for the predicted values below 20 appears to be overstated by this model, though not as much as by the quasipossion model.

Return to the Regression (OLS) article.

Last Revised: 3/4/2015