Welcome to Tidyverse for Independent Learners

The course material for this course can be found at https://www.ssc.wisc.edu/sscc/pubs/R_intro/

This course is formatted as lecture. Code examples will be used. I will answers questions as time permits.

If you find this class moves too quickly for you, you should consider attending the the Data Wrangling in R course from the SSCC. It moves at a slower pace and covers the material in more detail.

If you would like to run the examples on an SSCC computer, you can log-in using your SSCC account.

The cps1.csv file used in the examples can be found in several ways.

If you do not have an SSCC account, we have a guest account you can use.

If you have RStudio and the tidyverse package loaded on your computer, you should be able to use it to follow along with the examples. If your computer does not have these functioning on your computer, you will need to use one of the SSCC computers.