
Stata has no objection to value labels that happen to start with the number they label and then add some description. There's also no rule that says every value has to have a label—if a value has no label the value itself will be listed as usual. Thus the following will define the label you need:

label define mpgLabel 12 "12 (Lowest MPG)" 41 "41 (Highest MPG)"

Now apply that mapping to the values of the mpg variable:

label values mpg mpgLabel

Do a list to see the results:

l make mpg

Complete do file:

clear all
set more off
capture log close
log using data_ex1.log, replace
use auto

label define mpgLabel 12 "12 (Lowest MPG)" 41 "41 (Highest MPG)"
label values mpg mpgLabel
l make mpg

log close

Last Revised: 12/17/2015