Printing Update

Last month we reported that February's printing totals were down 33% from February 2004. We did even better in March. Printing totals were down 42% from March 2004. We really appreciate everyone's efforts. This is a great example of the way a cooperative should work. As long as the current trend continues, we can avoid individual quotas and charge-backs.

Please contact the Consultant if you would like us to check your printing balance for the current month or for a previous month. Soon we will have a web page in place where you can check your own printing balance.

A More Secure SquirrelMail

You may have noticed the new web address when you go to SquirrelMail. The address starts with HTTPS rather than HTTP. The "S" is very significant and indicates a secure connection. HTTPS (Secure Hypertext Transport Protocol) enables a secure transmission of the web pages SquirrelMail displays (including your user name and password). Now that we have added this feature to our web server, we plan to add several secure utilities including tools for checking your INBOX size, setting e-mail forwards, setting up vacation messages, etc.

New Scanner PC with DVD Burner in 4218 Computer Lab

The scanner PC in the 4218 Computer Lab has been replaced with a new 3Ghz Micron PC with 1Gb of RAM. This new PC also has a DVD burner. The PC in the 2470 computer lab will be replaced with a used 2Ghz Micron PC with .5Gb of RAM later this month.

New Consulting Hours

Just a reminder that SSCC’s help desk hours have been reduced by one hour per day due to the loss of our Software/Administrative Support Specialist position, formerly held by Deb Brauer. The 1:00-2:00pm hour has been dropped. The new schedule is 8-12, 2-4 Monday through Friday. Sandra Wald will be the consultant on duty in the mornings and Russell Dimond, our statistical computing consultant, in the afternoons.

Visit SSCC's web page for a full summary of the services impacted by the loss of the Software/Administrative Support Specialist position.