
SSCC News for June 2000

Inside this issue...
Summer Training Schedule
SAS Version 8 Documentation Available On-Line
Software Upgrades on WinCenter
Use Fewer Attachments and Reduce Your Risk of Viruses

Summer Training Schedule

All SSCC training sessions require preregistration. If less than three people have preregistered for a course one week prior to its start date, the class may be canceled. Click here to register for a session(s). You will be reminded about your preregistration through e-mail a day or two before the class begins.
Date Time Topic Room Instructor
6/22 2:00-3:30 A Hands-On Introduction to UNIX 2470 Bongert
6/27 10:00-11:30 WordPerfect Basics 3218 Clear
6/27 1:30-3:00 Configuring Your Mailer for IMAP 2470 Wald
6/28 2:00-3:30 Getting Started with EXCEL 3218 Brauer
7/12, 19, 26 10:00-11:00 A Hands-On Introduction to SAS on Unix (3 days) 2470 McDermott
7/18 10:00-11:30 WordPerfect Tips and Tricks 3218 Clear
7/25 10:00-11:30 Getting Started with ACCESS 3218 Brauer
8/1 1:30-2:30 Listar for List Owners 2470 Wald

SAS Version 8 Documentation Available On-Line

Anyone who uses SAS knows that its documentation is voluminous. Starting with version 8 of SAS (available on UNIX with the sas8 command), SAS Institute is moving their documentation on-line. In fact, SSCC only received one paper manual with this release, "The Little SAS Book", which is available in the CDE Library. Over 40 of SAS's remaining manuals are now on-line. There are two versions of the documents: an HTML version for navigating and browsing and a PDF version for printing.

Software Upgrades on WinCenter

Several applications have been upgraded on WinCenter. QSR Nud*ist has been upgraded to version 1.1 and is now called QSR Nud*ist Vivo. HLM has been upgraded to version 5. MLwiN has been upgraded to version 1.10. All three programs have on-line help which contains information on changes and enhancements.

Use Fewer Attachments and Reduce Your Risk of Viruses

There have been a few wide-spread virus outbreaks lately. The Love Bug and NewLove viruses were spread to others through the Outlook address book, though they can be activated and do their damage on nearly any Windows computer. You are probably wondering what to do to reduce your computer's chances of getting infected.

SSCC has set up a filter to check all incoming and outgoing mail that passes through our mail server. This filter checks all attachments for certain features, and removes any code that could contain a virus. The filter checks for certain files and file extensions that have contained viruses that have circulated so far, and we can add to it if new viruses make it necessary. This filter has stopped several different viruses since we began using it a few weeks ago.

A good way to keep email moving smoothly, and minimize the chances of activating a virus, is to be careful with attachments. Don't open them automatically, make sure they're referred to in the text of the mail, and look at the icon to see what sort of file it is. Consider if there is anything you can do to reduce the number of attachments in email. Shorter messages can be copied and pasted into the body of the message itself. If you and the others who need to see the document have shared network space, leave the document there, and just use the email message to tell people about the location. Otherwise, use FTP, particularly with large documents. If there are fewer email attachments, we are all more likely to think about them before opening them, and will be less likely to release a virus unintentionally.

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