SSCC Training Classes - Fall 2024

The SSCC offers both classes and an online curriculum you can work through on your own. View the class schedule and register below, or visit the online curriculum.

Title Date Time Instructor
SSCC Orientation8/192:30 - 3:30Dimond
Introduction to R8/2612:30 - 4:30Struck
Introduction to Stata8/2612:30 - 4:30Dimond
Data Wrangling in R8/27, 8/28, 8/29,
12:30 - 4:30Struck
Data Wrangling In Stata8/27, 8/28, 8/29,
12:30 - 4:30Dimond
SSCC Orientation9/62:30 - 3:15Dimond
SSCC Orientation9/1010:00 - 10:45St Peters
SSCC Orientation9/1011:00 - 11:45St Peters
Data Visualization in R: ggplot2 Basics9/1110:00 - 12:00Struck
Loops and Macros in Stata9/1310:00 - 12:00Dimond
Using the SSCC Linux Servers9/131:00 - 1:45Dimond
Functions and Iteration in R9/189:00 - 12:00Struck
Publication-Quality Tables in Stata9/2010:00 - 12:00Dimond
Presentable Bar Graphs in Stata9/201:00 - 3:00Dimond
Using the SSCC Linux Servers9/243:00 - 3:45Dimond
Missing Data Analysis with Blimp9/279:30 - 3:30Struck

To register for a class, click on its title. All SSCC training classes require registration.

Not finding what you need? Check the training schedules at the Data Science Hub and Library. SSCC staff will be happy to answer questions about future classes and take suggestions. SSCC's statistical consultants can also do customized training for groups with special needs. This includes introductions to R, Stata, Python, and MPlus plus a variety of advanced topics. Just email