Mplus Fundamentals

This workshop has sessions on multiple days. You should plan to attend all the sessions.

[Does NOT meet 1 October 2018.]

Mplus is software primarily for structural equation modeling. This particular software/language has many features that simplify the specification of some fairly complicated models, including working with hierarchical models, latent interaction models, monte carlo simulations, and multiply-imputed data.

A hurdle for many users is the documentation, which moves very quickly to models with complicated combinations of features and is largely written in the spirit of a reference manual.

This workshop aims to start with simpler models, in order to illustrate and clarify the use of the language and it's relation to the output.

Some familiarity with structural equation models is assumed.

[Does NOT meet 1 October 2018.]

Some rough notes on some of the topics covered can be found at

Instructor: Hemken
Room: 2470 Sewell Social Sciences Building
Dates: 9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15
Time: 9:00 - 11:00
Semester: fall18