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Wisconsin Longitudinal Study - Documentation Search

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By default all collection waves are included in the search; choosing one collection wave narrows the search to only that one collection wave.

Example, for 'Variable description contains' enter 'dog' click Search. 13 variables spanning 5 waves are returned. Choose the 5 collection waves on the right, 2003 - 2011, and click Search. 10 variables are returned, none prior to 2004. For 'Variable name is' enter 'zp06rer' click Search. 2 variables are returned, only two 2011 CAPI variables match all terms. Note that partial variable names are allowed and leaving off the first character of the variable name acts like a wildcard. As an example of the possibilities and limitations of this technique blank out 'variable description contains' and unselect all collection waves and enter variable name is 'a003re' and click Search.


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Collection Wave

Status and Descriptive Variables
Ancillary Data
1957 - 1977 Graduates and Siblings
1992 - 1993 Graduates
1993 - 1994 Siblings
2003 - 2005 Graduates
2003 - 2005 Graduate Spouses
2004 - 2007 Selected Siblings
2005 Sibling Spouses
2011 Graduates and Siblings
2020 ILIAD Graduates and Siblings

Results 2301 - 2400 of 4248 (0.11 seconds)

Select all variables Select all of these variables

Variable Label Wave Module
gn116re To what extent do you tend to be influenced by people with strong opinions?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn110rec Total score for purpose in life.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn125re To what extent do you agree that you judge yourself by what you think is important, not by what others think is important?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn101re Sample of 8% for psychological well-being questions.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn108rec Total score for positive relationships.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn127re To what extent do you agree that you like most aspects of your personality?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn117re To what extent do you agree that, in general, you feel you are in charge of the situation in which you live?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn115rec Total number of psychological well-being questions answered.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn102rec Total score for autonomy.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn131re To what extent do you agree that people would describe you as a giving person, willing to share your time with others?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn121re To what extent do you agree that the demands of everyday life often get you down?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn105rec Number of environmental mastery questions answered.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn120re To what extent do you agree that when you look at the story of your life, you are pleased with how things have turned out?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn118re To what extent do you agree that maintaining close relationships has been difficult and frustrating for you?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn123re To what extent do you agree that you have not experienced many warm and trusting relationships with others?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn133re To what extent do you agree that in many ways, you feel disappointed about your achievements in life?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn113rec Number of self-acceptance questions answered.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn126re To what extent do you agree that you gave up trying to make big improvements or changes in your life a long time ago?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn132re To what extent do you agree that you sometimes feel as if you have done all there is to do in life?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn104rec Total score for environmental mastery.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn111rec Number of purpose in life questions answered.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn129re To what extent do you agree that you are quite good at managing the many responsibilities of your daily life?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn103rec Number of autonomy questions answered.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn109rec Number of positive relationships questions answered.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn112rec Total score for self-acceptance.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gn107rec Number of personal growth questions answered.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Psychological Well-Being
gu022re Between any periods of two weeks or more of feeling sad, blue or depressed, were you feeling O.K. at least for some months?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu009re During your worst, particularly bad, or most recent episode of depression, did you have two weeks or more when you felt very bad when waking up, but felt better later in the day?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu008re During your worst, particularly bad, or most recent episode of depression, did you have two weeks or more when you lacked energy or felt tired all the time, even when you had not been working very hard?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu011re During your worst, particularly bad, or most recent episode of depression, did you have two weeks or more when nearly every day you had a lot more trouble concentrating than is normal?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu016re What is the average length of the periods when you felt sad, blue, or depressed?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu006re During your worst, particularly bad, or most recent episode of depression, did you lose weight without trying to - as much as 2 pounds a week for several weeks or as much as 10 pounds altogether?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu021re What age were you the last time you had a period of two weeks or more when you felt sad, blue or depressed?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu007re During your worst, particularly bad, or most recent episode of depression, did you have two weeks or more when nearly every night you had trouble falling asleep?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu015re What is the unit for the length of the sole period when you felt sad, blue, or depressed?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu017re What is the unit for the average length of the periods when you felt sad, blue, or depressed?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu014re How long did your sole period of depression last?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu013re How many periods have you had in your lifetime that lasted two weeks or more when you felt sad, blue or depressed?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu003re Were your experiences with depression always caused by alcohol, drugs, medications, or physical illness?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu020re What age were you the first time the you had a period of two weeks or more when you felt sad, blue or depressed?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu010re During your worst, particularly bad, or most recent episode of depression, did you have two weeks or more when you lost interest in most things like work, hobbies, or things you usually liked to do for fun?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu019re What is the unit for the usual length of time between the end of one period of depression to the beginning of the next?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu002re Have you ever had a time in life lasting two weeks or more when nearly every day you felt sad, blue, depressed, or when you lost interest in most things like work, hobbies, or things you usually liked to do for fun?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu012re During your worst, particularly bad, or most recent episode of depression, did you have two weeks or more when you thought a lot about death - either your own, someone else's, or death in general?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu018re What is the usual length of time between the end of one period of depression to the beginning of the next?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu004re What age were you when you experienced the worst, particularly bad, or the most recent period of depression?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu005re Was the depression the worst, particularly bad, or the most recent episode?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gua24re Number of valid responses to depression symptoms in gu006re through gu012re.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu001re Random 79 percent sample for depression & alcohol sections.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu023re Between any periods of two weeks or more of feeling sad, blue or depressed, were you fully able to work and enjoy being with other people?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gu024re Count of depression symptoms.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Depression
gi561re Did respondent answer correctly on level 4 - first set of 6 digits?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi575re Respondent's answer for level 5 - first set of 7 digits.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi566re Respondent's answer for level 4 - second set of 6 digits.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi555re Respondent's answer for level 3 - first set of 5 digits.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi535re Respondent's answer for level 1 - first set of 3 digits.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi541re Did respondent answer correctly on level 2 - first set of 4 digits?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi545re Respondent's answer for level 2 - first set of 4 digits.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi582re Did respondent answer correctly on level 6 - second set of 8 digits?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi585re Respondent's answer for level 6 - first set of 8 digits.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi502re Highest level of difficulty respondent successfully completed.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi552re Did respondent answer correctly on level 3 - second set of 5 digits?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi504re Additional information about low performance on digits ordering task.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi536re Respondent's answer for level 1 - second set of 3 digits.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi551re Did respondent answer correctly on level 3 - first set of 5 digits?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi546re Respondent's answer for level 2 - second set of 4 digits.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi572re Did respondent answer correctly on level 5 - second set of 7 digits?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi562re Did respondent answer correctly on level 4 - second set of 6 digits?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi556re Respondent's answer for level 3 - second set of 5 digits.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi586re Respondent's answer for level 6 - second set of 8 digits.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi565re Respondent's answer for level 4 - first set of 6 digits.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi576re Respondent's answer for level 5 - second set of 7 digits.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi581re Did respondent answer correctly on level 6 - first set of 8 digits?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi571re Did respondent answer correctly on level 5 - first set of 7 digits?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi542re Did respondent answer correctly on level 2 - second set of 4 digits?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi501re Is respondent in random 80% sample for digit ordering section?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi531re Did respondent answer correctly on level 1 - first set of 3 digits?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi532re Did respondent answer correctly on level 1 - second set of 3 digits?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gi503re Score for digits ordering task.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: Digit Ordering
gy021re How well does this third person with whom you discussed your plans and preferences about the types of medical treatment you want if you become seriously ill in the future understand these plans?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations
gy002re Is respondent in 70% End-of-Life Sample?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations
gy017re How well does the first person with whom you discussed your plans and preferences about the types of medical treatment you want if you become seriously ill in the future understand these plans?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations
gy070rec Stage of Terri Schiavo case when respondent completed WLS phone interview.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations
gy045sp If your spouse were to die tomorrow, how would most of your spouse's assets be distributed?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations
gy036re Who is the third person you gave your living will or advance directive to?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations
gy044re Do you have assets or property that will go to someone through a joint ownership or beneficiary designation, for example, a joint bank account or a beneficiary designation on a life insurance policy or pension?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations
gy011rec With how many people have you discussed your plans and preferences about the types of medical treatment you want if you become seriously ill in the future?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations
gy025re Who has the legal authority to make decisions about your medical care if you become unable to make those decisions?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations
gy126rec Pattern variable indicating which child/ren, if any, the respondent named they would choose if they were to pick a person to make medical decisions for them.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations
gy033rec Have you given your living will or advance directive to one or more of your children?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations
gy004re Have you made plans about the types of medical treatment you want if you become seriously ill in the future?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations
gy040re If you were to die tomorrow, who would get your assets, including your home, savings, life insurance and the like?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations
gy046re Who is designated as the executor of your estate or would be responsible for the distribution of your estate?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations
gy018re Who is the second person with whom you have discussed your plans and preferences about the types of medical treatment you want if you become seriously ill in the future?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations
gy061re If you had a serious illness today with very low chances of survival and were mentally intact, but in severe and constant physical pain, would you want to continue all medical treatments or stop all life prolonging treatments?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations
gy116rec Pattern variable indicating which child/ren, if any, with whom the respondent has discussed their plans and preferences about the types of medical treatment they want if they become seriously ill in the future.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations
gy042re Do you have a signed and witnessed will?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations
gy064sp If your spouse had a serious illness today with very low chances of survival and had no physical pain, but were unable to speak, walk, or recognize others, would he/she want to continue all medical treatments or stop all life prolonging treatments?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations
gy012rec Have you discussed with your spouse your plans and preferences about the types of medical treatment you want if you become seriously ill in the future?
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations
gy146rec Pattern variable indicating which child/ren, if any, the respondent named as executor of their estate or child/ren who would be responsible for the distribution of their estate.
2003 - 2005 Graduates Phone: End of Life Preparations

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