The following is a listing of publications based on the NSFH data. We no longer have the staff to update this bibliography. Users are referred to that maintained by the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR):
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Acock, Alan C. "National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH)." National Council on Family Relations, 3989 Central Ave NE, Suite 550, Minneapolis, MN 55421.
Bumpass, Larry L. 1990. "What's Happening to the Family? Interactions Between Demographic and Institutional Change." Demography. 27(4): 483-498.
Bumpass, Larry L. 1991. "Emerging issues in demographic research in the United States." In Population Research in Britain, eds. Michael Murphy and John Hobcraft. London, England: London School of Economics and Political Science.
Julian, Teresa W. and Knapp, Thomas R. 1995. "The National Survey of Families and Households: A rich data base for nursing research." Research in Nursing and Health.
Krecker, Margaret L. 1993. "Work History Data in the National Survey of Families and Households: An Overview and Preliminary Assessment." NSFH Working Paper. 56, Madison, WI: Center for Demography and Ecology.
South, Scott J. Ed and Tolnay, Stewart E. Ed. 1992. The Changing American Family: Sociological and Demographic Perspectives.
Sweet, James A.; Bumpass, Larry L. and Call, V. 1988. "The design and content of the National Survey of Families and Households." NSFH Working Paper 1. Madison, WI: Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Brown, S. L. 2003. "Relationship quality dynamics of cohabiting unions." Journal of Family Issues 24(5): 583-601.
Brown, Susan L. 1996. "Relationship Quality and the Transition to Marriage among Cohabitors."
Brown, Susan L. 2000. "Union transitions among cohabitors: The significance of relationship assessments and expectations." Journal of Marriage and the Family.
Bumpass, Larry and Lu, Hsien Hen. 2000. "Trends in Cohabitation and Implications for Children's Family Contexts in the United States." Population Studies 54(1): 29-41.
Bumpass, Larry L.; Raley, R. Kelly. 1995. "Redefining single-parent families: Cohabitation and changing family reality." Demography. 32(1): 97-1099.
Bumpass, Larry L.; Sweet, James A. 1989. "National Estimates of Cohabitation." Demography 26(4): 615-626.
Bumpass, Larry L.; Sweet, James A. 1995. "Cohabitation, Marriage, and Union Stability: Preliminary Findings from NSFH2." NSFH Working Paper. 65, Madison, WI: Center for Demography and Ecology.
Bumpass, Larry L.; Sweet, James A., and Cherlin, Andrew. 1991. "The Role of Cohabitation in Declining Rates of Marriage." Journal of Marriage and the Family 53(4): 913-927.
Casper, L. M. 1992. "Community norms and cohabitation: Effects of level and degree of consensus." OPR Working Paper No. 92-9. Office of Population Research 11/21(4).
Ciabattari, Teresa. 2002. "Are Cohabitors Sharing the Housework? Mixed Evidence from the NSFH." Southern Sociological Society.
DeMaris, Alfred and Rao, K. V. 1990. "The Consequences of Premarital Cohabitation for the Stability of First Marriages in the U.S."
Landale, Nancy S. and Fennelly, Katherine. 1992. "Informal unions among mainland Puerto Ricans: Cohabitation or an alternative to legal marriage?" Journal of Marriage and the Family.
Manning, Wendy D. 1993. "Marriage and cohabitation following premarital conception." Journal of Marriage and the Family.
Manning, Wendy D. 1995. "Cohabitation, marriage, and entry into motherhood." Journal of Marriage and the Family 57(1): 191-200.
Manning, Wendy D. and Smock, Pamela J. 1995. "Why Marry? Race and the Transition to Marriage among Cohabitors." Demography 32(4): 509-20.
McNaly, James W.; Sassler, Sharon & Schoen, Robert. 1997. "Misplaced affection': The use of multiple imputation to reconstruct missing cohabiting partner information in the NSFH." Brown University Population Studies and Training Center, Working Paper Series #97-09.
Moffitt, Robert A.; Reville, Robert, and Winkler, Anne E. 1998. "Beyond Single Mothers: Cohabitation and Marriage in the AFDC Program." Demography 35(3): 259-78.
Nock, Steven L. 1994. "A Comparison of Marriages and Cohabiting Relationships: Commitment, Relationship Quality, Intergenerational Integration and Ideal Fertility."
Raley, R. Kelly. 1996. "A Shortage of Marriageable Men? A Note on the Role of Cohabitation in Black-White Differences in Marriage Rates." American Sociological Review 61(6): 973-983.
Sanchez, Laura; Manning, Wendy D., and Smock, Pamela J. 1998. "Sex-Specialized or Collaborative Mate Selection? Union Transitions among Cohabitors." Social Sciences Research 27(3): 280-304.
Sassler, S., and McNally, J. 2003. "Cohabiting couples' economic circumstances and union transitions: A re-examination using multiple imputation techniques." Social science research 32(4): 553-578.
Smock, Pamela J. and Manning, Wendy D. 1995. "Dyadic Decisions: Which Cohabiting Couples Marry?"
Smock, Pamela J. and Manning, Wendy D. 1997. "Cohabiting Partners' Economic Circumstances and Marriage." Demography 34(3): 331-41.
Stafford, Laura; Kline, Susan L.; and Rankin, Caroline T. 2004. "Married individuals, cohabiters, and cohabiters who marry: A longitudinal study of relational and individual well-being." Journal of Social & Personal Relationships 21(2): 231-248.
Stets, Jan E. 1991. "Cohabiting and Marital Aggression: The Role of Social Isolation." Journal of Marriage and the Family 53(3): 669-680.
Sweet, James A. and Bumpass, Larry L. 1992. "Cohabitation relationships: A social-demographic perspective." In Close Relationship Loss: Theoretical Approaches, ed. Terri Orbuch. New York: Springer Verlag.
Whitmore, Christine C. 1996. "Trends in Union Formation and Dissolution: A Closer Look at Cohabiting Couples."
Whitmore, Christine Claire. 1998. "The context of cohabitation: Union formation and dissolution behavior following movement into a informal co-residential relationship." Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
Winkler, Anne E. 1997. "Economic decision-making by cohabitors: Findings regarding income pooling." Applied Economics 29(8): 1079-1090.
Wolfinger, Nicholas H. 2001. "The Effects of Family Structure of Origin on Offspring Cohabitation Duration." Sociological Inquiry 71(3): 293-313.
Agbayani Siewert, Pauline and Flanagan, Alice Yick. 2001. "Filipino American dating violence: Definitions, contextual justifications, and experiences of dating violence." Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment.
Aquilino, William S. 1993. "Effects of Spouse Presence during the Interview on Survey Responses concerning Marriage." Public Opinion Quarterly 57(3): 358-376.
Bennett, Neil G.; Bloom, David E. & Craig, Patricia H. 1992. "American marriage patterns in transition." In The Changing American Family: Sociological and Demographic Perspectives, ed. Scott J. South and Stewart E. Tolnay. Oxford: Westview Press.
Bennett, Neil G.; Bloom, David E. & Miller, Cynthia K. 1995. "The influence of nonmarital childbearing on the formation of first marriages." Demography 32(1): 47-62.
Blackwell, Debra L. 1998. "Marital Homogamy in the United States: The Influence of Individual and Paternal Education." Social Science Research 27(2): 159-188.
Brown, Susan L. 2000. "The Effect of Union Type on Psychological Well-Being: Depression among Cohabitors versus Marrieds." Journal of Health and Social Behavior 41(3): 241-255.
Brush, Lisa D. 1990. "Violent acts and injurious outcomes in married couples: Methodological issues in the National Survey of Families and Households." Gender and Society 4(1): 56-67.
Bulcroft, R A and Bulcroft, K A. 1993. "Race differences in attitudinal and motivational factors in the decision to marry." Journal of Marriage and the Family 55: 338-356.
Bulcroft, Richard A. and Bulcroft, Kris A. 1991. "The Nature and Functions of Dating in Later Life." Research on Aging 13(2): 244-260.
Call, Vaughn; Sprecher, Susan, and Schwartz, Pepper. 1995. "The incidence and frequency of marital sex in a national sample." Journal of Marriage and the Family.
Chandler, Timothy D.; Kamo, Yoshinori, and Werbel, James D. 1994. "Do Delays in Marriage and Childbirth affect Earnings?" Social Science Quarterly 75(4): 838-853.
Cherlin, Andrew J.; Furstenberg, Frank F., Jr. 1994. "Stepfamilies in the United States: A reconsideration." Annual Review of Sociology. 20: 359-381.
Cherlin, Andrew. 1992. Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Cohen, Blair Allison. 1993. "Using Union Formation Behavior to Explain the Transition to Parenthood." Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 54(3): 1104-A.
Davies, Lorraine. 1995. "A Closer Look at Gender and Distress among the Never Married." Women and Health 23(2): 13-30.
DeMaris, Alfred. 1993. "When disagreements lead to violence in marriage." Proceedings of the American Statistical Association: 756-760.
DeMaris, Alfred. 1997. "Elevated sexual activity in violent marriages: Hypersexuality or sexual extortion?" Journal of Sex Research.
Donnelly, Denise A. 1993. "Sexually Inactive Marriages." Journal of Sex Research 30(2): 171-179.
Ellison, Christopher G.; Bartkowski, John P., and Anderson, Kristin L. 1999. "Are There Religious Variations in Domestic Violence?" Journal of Family Issues 20(1): 87-113.
Freedman, Vicki & Wolf, Douglas A. 1991. "Imputation of mother's marital status in the National Survey of Families and Households." The Urban Institute: Population Studies Center (Discussion Paper Series).
Furstenberg, Frank F., Jr. 1996. "The future of marriage." American Demographics 18(6): 34-40.
Hersch, Joni and Stratton, Leslie S. 2000. "Household Specialization and the Male Marriage Wage Premium." Industrial and Labor Relations Review 54(1): 78-94.
Kato, Akihiko. 1998. "Effect of Childhood Family Structure on the First Union Formation and Its Cohort Variations: An Analysis of US Family Change using NSFH Data." Transliterated title not available. Kazoku Shakaigaku Kenkyu / Japanese Journal of Family Sociology 10(2): 111-127.
Kim, Hyoun K and McKenry, Patrick C. 2000. "Relationship transitions as seen in the National Survey of Families and Households." Journal of Divorce and Remarriage.
Kim, Hyoun K. and McKenry, Patrick. 2002. "The Relationship between Marriage and Psychological Well-Being: A Longitudinal Analysis." Journal of Family Issues. 23(8): 885-911.
Kim, Hyoun Kyoung. 1999. "The Relationship between Marriage and Psychological Well-Being: A Longitudinal Model." Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences; 1999, 60(5): 1783-A.
Koball, Heather. 1998. "Have African American Men Become Less Committed to Marriage? Explaining the Twentieth Century Racial Cross-Over in Men's Marriage Timing." Demography 35(2): 251-58.
Lehrer, Evelyn L. 1998. "Religious Intermarriage in the United States: Determinants and Trends." Social Science Research 27(3): 245-263.
Li, Jiang Hong and Wojtkiewicz, Roger A. 1994. "Childhood Family Structure and Entry into First Marriage." Sociological Quarterly 35(2): 247-268.
Marcussen, Kristen Ann. 2001. "Marital Status and Psychological Well-Being: A Comparison of Married and Cohabiting Individuals." Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences; 2001 61(8): 3372-A.
Marsiglio, William and Donnelly, Denise. 1991. "Sexual relations in later life: A national study of married persons." Journals of Gerontology.
McGinnis, Sandra L. 2003. "Cohabitating, dating, and perceived costs of marriage: A model of marriage entry." Journal of Marriage and Family 65(1): 105-116.
Musick, Marc and Wilson, John. 1995. "Religious Switching for Marriage Reasons." Sociology of Religion 56(3): 257-270.
Nock, Steven L. 1995. "Spouse Preferences of Never-Married, Divorced, and Cohabiting Americans." Journal of Divorce and Remarriage 22(3-4): 91-108.
Nock, Steven L. 1995. "The Similarity of Spouses in First and Second Marriages."
Palma Cabrera, Yolanda; Figueroa Perea, Juan Guillermo, and Cervantes Carson, Alejandro. 1990. "The Dynamics of the Use of Contraceptive Methods in Mexico; Dinamica del uso de metodos anticonceptivos en Mexico." Revista Mexicana De Sociologia 52(1): 51-81.
Raley, R. K., and Bratter, J. 2004. "Not even if you were the last person on earth! How marital search constraints affect the likelihood of marriage." Journal of Family Issues 25(2): 167-181.
Rao, K. V. and Demaris, Alfred. 1995. "Coital Frequency among Married and Cohabiting Couples in the United States." Journal of Biosocial Science 27(2): 135-150.
Rindfuss, Ronald R. and Jones, Jo A. 1991. "One parent or two? The intertwining of American marriage and fertility patterns." Sociological Forum.
Sassler, S., and Goldscheider, F. 2004. "Revisiting Jane Austen's theory of marriage timing: Changes in union formation among American men in the late 20th century." Journal of Family Issues 25(2): 139-166.
Sassler, Sharon and Schoen, Robert. 1999. "The Effect of Attitudes and Economic Activity on Marriage." Journal of Marriage and the Family 61(1): 147-159.
Schoen, Robert & Owens, Dawn. 1992. "A further look at first unions and first marriages." In The Changing American Family: Sociological and Demographic Perspectives, ed. Scott J. South and Stewart E. Tolnay. Oxford: Westview Press.
Simon, Robin W. and Marcussen, Kristen. 1999. "Marital Transitions, Marital Beliefs, and Mental Health." Journal of Health and Social Behavior 40(2): 111-125.
Smock, Pamela J. 1990. "Remarriage patterns of black and white women: Reassessing the role of educational attainment." Demography 27(380): 467-473.
Sorenson, Susan B; Upchurch, Dawn M, and Shen, Haikang. 1996. "Violence and injury in marital arguments: Risk patterns and gender differences." American Journal of Public Health.
South, S J. 1993. "Racial and ethnic differences in the desire to marry." Journal of Marriage and the Family 55(2): 357-370.
South, Scott J. and Lloyd, Kim M. 1995. "Spousal Alternatives and Marital Dissolution." American Sociological Review 60(1): 21-35.
Spain, Daphne; Bianchi, Suzanne M. 1996. Balancing Act: Motherhood, Marriage, and Employment Among American Women. New York: Russell Sage.
Sprecher, Susan; Sullivan, Quintin, and Hatfield, Elaine. 1994. "Mate selection preferences: Gender differences examined in a national sample." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Stewart, Susan D.; Manning, Wendy D.; and Smock, Pamela J. 2003. "Union formation among men in the US: Does having prior children matter?" Journal of Marriage and the Family 65(1): 90-104.
Stratton, Leslie S. 2002. "Examining the Wage Differential for Married and Cohabiting Men." Economic Inquiry 40(2): 199-212.
Sweeney, Kathryn A. 2003. "Who Women Marry: Racial Inequality, Gender Ideology and Economic Dependency in Marriage." Southern Sociological Society.
Sweeney, Megan M. 2002. "Remarriage and the nature of divorce: Does it matter which spouse chose to leave?" Journal of Family Issues 23(3): 410-440.
Szinovacz, Maximiliane E and Egley, Lance C. 1995. "Comparing one-partner and couple data on sensitive marital behaviors: The case of marital violence." Journal of Marriage and the Family.
Watt, Toni Terling. 2002. "Marital and cohabiting relationships of adult children of alcoholics: Evidence from the National Survey of Family and Households." Journal of Family Issues 23(2): 246-265.
Wilson, John and Musick, Marc. 1996. "Religion and Marital Dependency." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 35(1): 30-40.
Wineberg, Howard and McCarthy, James. 1998. "Living Arrangements after Divorce: Cohabitation versus Remarriage." Journal of Divorce and Remarriage 29(1-2): 131-146.
Wineberg, Howard. 1999. "The Timing of Remarriage among Women Who Have a Failed Marital Reconciliation in the First Marriage." Journal of Divorce and Remarriage 30(3-4): 57-69.
Wisensale, Steven K and Heckart, Kathlyn E. 1993. "Domestic partnerships: A concept paper and policy discussion." Family Relations: Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Studies.
Amankwaa, Linda, Donnelly, Denise & Amankwaa, A. 1997. "African-American women's considerations in having a child or another child." Working Paper.
Barber, Jennifer S.; Axinn, William G., and Thornton, Arland. 1999. "Unwanted Childbearing, Health, and Mother-Child Relationships." Journal of Health and Social Behavior 40(3): 231-257.
Bumpass, Larry L.; Raley, R. Kelly; Sweet, James A. 1995. "The Changing Character of Stepfamilies: Implications of Cohabitation and Nonmarital Childbearing." Demography. 32(3): 425-436.
Day, Jennifer Cheeseman. 1994. "Age at First Birth and the Pacing of Subsequent Birth Intervals: A Cohort Analysis." Dissertation, American University.
Donnelly, Denise & Amankwaa, Linda. 1997. "Childbearing Decisions of American Women." Working Paper.
Driscoll, Anne K.; Hearn, Gesine K.; Evans, V. Jeffery; Moore, Kristin A.; Sugland, Barbara W., and Call, Vaughn. 1999. "Nonmarital Childbearing among Adult Women." Journal of Marriage and the Family 61(1): 178-187.
Heaton, Tim B.; Jacobson, Cardell K., and Fu, Xuan Ning. 1992. "Religiosity of Married Couples and Childlessness." Review of Religious Research 33(3): 244-255.
Heaton, Tim B.; Jacobson, Cardell K., and Holland, Kimberlee. 1999. "Persistence and Change in Decisions to Remain Childless." Journal of Marriage and the Family 61(2): 531-539.
Jacobson, C.K. & Heaton, T.B. 1991. "Voluntary childlessness among American men and women in the late 1980's." Social Biology 38(1-2): 79-93.
Kaplan, H.; Lancaster, J.B.; Tucker, W.T.; and Anderson, K.G. 2002. "Evolutionary approach to below replacement fertility." American Journal of Human Biology 14(2): 233-256.
Kaufman, Gayle. 1998. "Sterilisation of Married Couples: Husband versus Wife Sterilisation." Journal of Biosocial Science 30(1): 1-14.
Koropeckyj Cox, Tanya. 1998. "Loneliness and depression in middle and old age: Are the childless more vulnerable?" Journals of Gerontology: Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences.
Kravdal, Oystein. 1992. "The Emergence of a Positive Relation between Education and Third Birth Rates in Norway with Supportive Evidence from the United States." Population Studies 46(3): 459-75.
Lehrer, Evelyn L. 1996. "Religion as a Determinant of Marital Fertility." Journal of Population Economics 9(2): 173-96.
Loomis, Laura Spencer & Landale, Nancy S. 1994. "Nonmarital cohabitation and childbearing among black and white American women." Journal of Marriage and the Family 56(4): 949-962.
Manning, Wendy D. and Landale, Nancy S. 1996. "Racial and ethnic differences in the role of cohabitation in premarital childbearing." Journal of Marriage and the Family.
Manning, Wendy Diane. 1993. "First Birth Timing among Single, Cohabiting, and Married Women in the United States." Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences; 1993 53(10): 3688-A-3689-A.
Messineo, Melinda Jo. 2000. "The Nest Reconsidered: Delayed Launching, Returning Home, and the Changing American Family." Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences; 2000 61(5): 2056-A.
Nichols, Laura Ann. 2001. "Then Comes the Baby in the Baby Carriage: The Economic Resource Use of New Mothers." Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 61(7): 2925-A.
Raley, R. Kelly. 2001. "Increasing Fertility in Cohabiting Unions: Evidence for the Second Demographic Transition in the United States?" Demography 38(1): 59-66.
Rhea, A. C. 2003. "The individual, institutional, and interactional influences on women's decisions to have a child: A multi-level examination." Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 64(1): 299-A.
Rhea, Anisa C. 2002. "An Examination of the Decision to Have a Child." Southern Sociological Society.
Schoen, R., and Tufis, P. 2003. "Precursors of nonmarital fertility in the United States." Journal of Marriage and Family 65(4): 1030-1040.
Schoen, Robert; Astone, Nan Marie; Kim, Young J.; Nathanson, Constance A., and Fields, Jason M. 1999. "Do Fertility Intentions Affect Fertility Behavior?" Journal of Marriage and the Family 61(3): 790-799.
Schoen, Robert; Astone, Nan Marie; Nathanson, Constance A.; Kim, Young J., and Murray, Nancy. 2000. "The Impact of Fertility Intentions on Behavior: The Case of Sterilization." Social Biology 47(1-2): 61-76.
Schoen, Robert; Kim, Young J.; Nathanson, Constance A.; Fields, Jason, and Astone, Nan Marie. 1997. "Why Do Americans Want Children?" Population and Development Review 23(2): 333-358.
Stewart, Susan D. 2002. "The Effect of Stepchildren on Childbearing Intentions and Births." Demography 39(1): 181-97.
Thomson, Elizabeth. 1997. "Couple childbearing desires, intentions, and births." Demography 34(3): 343-354.
Thomson, Elizabeth. 1997. "Her, His, and Their Children: Influences on Couple Childbearing Decisions." NSFH Working Paper. 76, Madison, WI: Center for Demography and Ecology.
Wu, Lawrence L. and Martinson, Brian C. 1993. "Family structure and the risk of a premarital birth." American Sociological Review.
Aldous, Joan; Mulligan, Gail M. & Bjarnson, Thoroddur. 1998. "Fathering over time: What makes the difference?" Journal of Marriage and the Family 60(4): 809-820.
Bianchi, Suzanne M.; Milkie, Melissa A.; Sayer, Liana C., and Robinson, John P. 2000. "Is Anyone Doing the Housework? Trends in the Gender Division of Household Labor." Social Forces 79(1): 191-228.
Bird, Chloe E. and Rogers, Michelle. 1998. "Parenting and Depression: The Impact of the Division of Labor within Couples and Perceptions of Equity."
Blackwelder, Stephen P.; Risman, Barbara J., and Atkinson, Maxine P. 1994. "Wives' Economic Dependence and the Division of Household Labor."
Blair, Sampson Lee and Benin, Mary H. 1996. "Retirement and the Division of Household Labor: The Influence of Partial Retirement and Ideology."
Blair, Sampson Lee and Johnson, Michael P. 1991. "Wives' Reactions to the Division of Household Labor: The Intersection of Housework and Ideology."
Blair, Sampson Lee and Johnson, Michael P. 1992. "Wives' perceptions of the fairness of the division of household labor: The intersection of housework and ideology." Journal of Marriage and the Family.
Blair, Sampson Lee and Lichter, Daniel T. 1991. "Measuring the Division of Household Labor: Gender Segregation of Housework Among American Couples." Journal of Family Issues 12(1): 91-113.
Blair, Sampson Lee and Sobelewski, Curt J. 1999. "Family Composition, Parental Employment, and Children's Household Labor."
Blair, Sampson Lee and Starrels, Marjorie E. 1993. "The Division of Household Labor in Long-Duration Marriages."
Blair, Sampson Lee. 1992. "Children's Participation in Household Labor: Child Socialization versus the Need for Household Labor." Journal of Youth and Adolescence 21(2): 241-258.
Blair, Sampson Lee. 1992. "The sex-typing of children's household labor: Parental influence on daughters' and sons' housework." Youth and Society 24(2): 178 -203.
Blair, Sampson Lee. 1994. "Marriage and Cohabitation: Distinctions and Similarities across the Division of Household Labor."
Blair, Sampson Lee. 2000. "Parents and Family Structure: An Examination of Ethnic-Based Variations in Children's Household Labor."
Blair, Sampson Lee; Wenk, DeeAnn, and Hardesty, Constance. 1993. "The Influence of Men's Marital and Parental Roles."
Coltrane, Scott and Ishii Kuntz, Masako. 1992. "Men's Housework: A Life Course Perspective." Journal of Marriage and the Family 54(1): 43-57.
Daniels, Kimberly A. 2003. "Economic Dependency and the Division of Household Labor: Examining the Impact of Earnings on Household Labor Contributions." Southern Sociological Society.
DeMaris, Alfred and Longmore, Monica A. 1996. "Ideology, Power, and Equity: Testing Competing Explanations for the Perception of Fairness in Household Labor." Social Forces 74(3): 1043-1071.
DeMaris, Alfred and Seff, Monica. 1994. "Structural Determinants of Perceived Equity in Household Tasks: An Investigation of Parallel vs Compensatory Equity in Intimate Relationships."
Demo, David H. & Acock, Alan C. 1993. "Family diversity and the division of domestic labor: How much have things really changed?" Family Relations 42: 323-331.
Ellison, Christopher G and Bartkowski, John P. 2002. "Conservative Protestantism and the Division of Household Labor among Married Couples." Journal of Family Issues 23(8): 950-985.
Greenstein, Theodore N. 1996. "Gender Ideology and Perceptions of the Fairness of the Division of Household Labor: Effects on Marital Quality." Social Forces 74(3): 1029-1042.
Greenstein, Theodore N. 1996. "Husbands' participation in domestic labor: Interactive effects of wives' and husbands' gender ideologies." Journal of Marriage and the Family.
Greenstein, Theodore N. 1997. "Economic Dependence, Gender, and the Division of Labor in the Home: A Replication and Extension."
Gupta, Sanjiv. 1999. "The Effects of Transitions in Marital Status on Men's Performance of Housework." Journal of Marriage and the Family 61(3): 700-711.
Gupta, Sanjiv. 1999. "What Makes Men Change Their Housework Time?" Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 60(5): 1771-A-1772 #NAME
Hall, Leslie Duke. 1996. "Children's housework in single- mother and single-father families." Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
Harpster, Paula and Monk Turner, Elizabeth. 1998. "Why Men Do Housework: A Test of Gender Production and the Relative Resources Model." Sociological Focus 31(1): 45-59.
Hawley, Jeffrey Edward. 2001. "Employment Hours and Household Tasks: A Longitudinal Analysis." Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences, 2001 61(8): 3370-A-3371-A.
Holz, Jennifer Lorraine. 1996. "The 'Second Shift' and the Next Generation." Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 56(12): 4963-A.
Ishii Kuntz, Masako and Coltrane, Scott. 1992. "Predicting the Sharing of Household Labor: Are Parenting and Housework Distinct?" Sociological Perspectives 35(4): 629-647.
Ishii Kuntz, Masako and Coltrane, Scott. 1992. "Remarriage, Stepparenting, and Household Labor." Journal of Family Issues 13(2): 215-233.
John, Daphne and Shelton, Beth Anne. 1997. "The Production of Gender among Black and White Women and Men: The Case of Household Labor." Sex Roles 36(3-4): 171-193.
Kamo, Yoshinori and Cohen, Ellen L. 1998. "Division of Household Work between Partners: A Comparison of Black and White Couples." Journal of Comparative Family Studies 29(1): 131-145.
Kamo, Yoshinori. 1991. "A Nonlinear Effect of the Number of Children on the Division of Household Labor." Sociological Perspectives 34(2): 205-218.
Kamo, Yoshinori. 2000. "'He Said, She Said': Assessing Discrepancies in Husbands' and Wives' Reports on the Division of Household Labor." Social Science Research 29(4): 459-476.
Kaufman, Gayle & Webster, Pamela S. 1995. "Exploring the relationship between childhood family structure and the household division of labor." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association.
Keith, Pat M. 1994. "A typology of orientations toward household and marital roles of older men and women." In Older Men's Lives, ed. Edward H. Tompson, Jr. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.
Lee, Y. 2003. "Housework and familial relationships." Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 63(7): 2709-A-2710-A.
Lennon, Mary Clare and Rosenfield, Sarah. 1994. "Relative Fairness and the Division of Housework: The Importance of Options." American Journal of Sociology 100(2): 506-531.
Nomaguchi, Kei and Meeker, Barbara F. 2000. "Status Processes and the Division of Labor in Households."
Padgett, Deborah L. 1997. "The Contribution of Support Networks to Household Labor in African American Families." Journal of Family Issues 18(3): 227-250.
Padgett, Deborah Lynne. 1992. "Families and the Division of Household Labor: An Update." Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences; 1992 52(10): 3726-A.
Perry Jenkins, Maureen and Folk, Karen. 1994. "Class, couples, and conflict: Effects of the division of labor on assessments of marriage in dual-earner families." Journal of Marriage and the Family.
Pittman, Joe F. and Blanchard, David. 1996. "The effects of work history and timing of marriage on the division of household labor: A life-course perspective." Journal of Marriage and the Family.
Press, Julie E. and Townsley, Eleanor. 1998. "Wives' and Husbands' Housework Reporting: Gender, Class, and Social Desirability." Gender and Society 12(2): 188-218.
Presser, Harriet B. 1994. "Employment Schedules among Dual-Earner Spouses and the Division of Household Labor by Gender." American Sociological Review 59(3): 348-364.
Robinson, Joyce. 1993. "A Resource/Dependence Approach to Explaining the Marital Division of Household Labor." Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 53(12): 4488-A.
Sanchez, Laura and Kane, Emily W. 1996. "Women's and Men's Constructions of Perceptions of Housework Fairness." Journal of Family Issues 17(3): 358-387.
Sanchez, Laura and Thomson, Elizabeth. 1997. "Becoming Mothers and Fathers: Parenthood, Gender, and the Division of Labor." Gender and Society 11(6): 747-772.
Sanchez, Laura. 1994. "Gender, Labor Allocations, and the Psychology of Entitlement within the Home." Social Forces 73(2): 533-553.
Shelton, Beth Anne and John, Daphne. 1990. "The Division of Household Labor: A Comparison of Cohabiting and Married Couples."
Shelton, Beth Anne and John, Daphne. 1993. "Does Marital Status Make a Difference? Housework among Married and Cohabiting Men and Women." Journal of Family Issues 14(3): 401-420.
Shelton, Beth Anne. 1992. Women, Men, and Time: Gender Differences in Paid Work, Housework, and Leisure. New York: Greenwood Press.
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