Welcome Back! Having Trouble Logging in?

We hope you had a great summer. If you're just getting back to Madison and have trouble logging in, here are a couple of things to try:

If you've forgotten your password (the sign of a really great summer?) you can reset it here, either by email or by answering your security questions.

If you forgot to renew your account before you left, it will be locked because we assumed you no longer needed it. It's not too late though: just renew it here. Our help desk staff will be informed automatically and will unlock your account as soon as possible.

Server Upgrades

This Tuesday evening, August 21st, we'll put our new Winstat and Linstat servers into production. See the announcement for details about the downtime. The new servers have many more cores, more RAM, and faster disks. You'll connect to the new servers in the same way you've connected to the old (Citrix Receiver, X-Win32, etc.) and for the most part you'll use them in the same way.

We have new servers for Silo as well, and they'll be put into production in the coming weeks.

The new Winstat servers run Windows Server 2016, which looks and acts pretty much like Windows 10. One thing that's changed is how you sign out: you can right-click on the Windows logo button (i.e the old Start button), mouse over Shut down or sign out and then click Sign out, or left-click the Windows button, right-click on the button that looks like a person, and left-click Sign out. You'll see a document on your desktop called "Welcome to the New Winstat" with all this and more when you log in.

The new Linstats run the latest version of CentOS Linux, and some user-written program may need to be recompiled for it. The current Linstat and Condor servers will be taken offline for operating system updates, and then added to the Condor flock over the coming weeks (except for Linstat5, which is new and will be returned to the Linstat pool).

SSCC Training

Our first training workshops are coming up fast (before the start of the semester). We suggest all incoming grad students learn at least one statistical package so they have a way to manage and analyze data. Our "Introduction" workshops will teach you the basics of Stata, R, or SAS, and are ideal for students who need to use them for class but won't be doing research for a while. The "for Researchers" workshops cover the same material, but add more of the skills you'll need to do research, like data management and programming for reproducibility. Visit our training page for details and to register.

VPN Transition

The University is in the process of replacing Cisco AnyConnect with Palo Alto GlobalProtect as our VPN solution. If you're out of town and currently running AnyConnect, we suggest you don't try to switch to GlobalProtect until you're back in Madison. But you can make the switch at any time, and people who are installing VPN for the first time should definitely use GlobalProtect—our Knowledge Base will show you how. Everyone will need to switch to GlobalProtect by the end of the calendar year.

Welcome Mitchell Karam as a Permanent SSCC Staff Member

Mitchell Karam first joined the SSCC a little over a year ago to fill in while Zach Heise was on leave, but he's done a fantastic job and we were very pleased to offer him a permanent position. Along with Zach and Oliver Giramma, he will split his time between Windows System Administration (i.e what were Charlie Maurice's duties) and Desktop Support. Please join us in congratulating him on his new position.