A Remote User's Guide to SSCC Resources

Most of the SSCC's resources are available from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection. This article will not give many details on how to connect to SSCC resources, but it will tell you what's possible and then direct you to the Knowledge Base articles that tell you how to do it.

Using Winstat

Winstat, the SSCC's Windows Terminal Server farm, gives you full access to the SSCC network and SSCC software from anywhere in the world. You can also use it to transfer files between the SSCC network and your own computer. This makes Winstat an excellent resource for remote users.

Using Linstat

Linstat is also accessible from anywhere in the world, giving you access to a tremendous amount of computing power.

Accessing Files using VPN

You can use Virtual Private Networking (VPN) to have your computer log into the SSCC network regardless of your physical location. This gives you access to files on the SSCC network, though you'll also have to map the drive letters you're used to.

Keep in mind you can always get access to files on the SSCC network by logging into Winstat.


Accessing Files using SFTP

SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) is an encrypted version of the FTP protocol that has been moving files between computers since the earliest days of the Internet. The SSCC has two FTP servers: ftp.ssc.wisc.edu gives access to the Linux file system and ntftp.ssc.wisc.edu gives access to the Windows file system.

If you are using a Linux server, you can type sftp server to connect to an FTP server using SFTP. In Windows you'll need a client program that supports SFTP. We suggest SecureFX, which is free to UW faculty, students and staff and can be downloaded from the Web.


If you will be traveling with a computer that is already set up to read SSCC email, it will continue to do so regardless of your location. If you need to set up a new computer to read SSCC email, instructions can be found in in the Email section of our Knowledge Base. Alternatively you can use our web-based email program.

You can also have our mail server inform people who email you that you are away by setting a "vacation" message.

More Information

The SSCC web site is, of course, available anywhere. Our Knowledge Base has a specific section for Remote Computing . You may want to take a few moments to see what is available, and if you have questions it should be your first place to look for answers. If you run into problems, feel free to contact the Help Desk as usual.

Last Revised: 11/2/2011