4.7 Coding missing values
4.7.1 Data concepts - Conditionally created variables
In section 4.5 we examined how a test of a variable creates a results in a conditional variable. These condition variables can be used to create a new variable from two other variables, a true variable and false variable. The result variable for an observation will take the value of the true variable when the condition variable for that observation is true. Otherwise the observations will take the value from the false variable for that observation. This is visually displayed in figure 4.3.

Figure 4.3: Column index of a data frame
As an example, let's consider using a conditionally created variable
to replace values of "?" with na in a variable named x
This is visually displayed in figure 4.4.
The condition variable would be the result of a testing x
for equality with "?".
The true value, what to do when x
is equal to "?",
would be a variable containing na for all observations.
The false value, what to do when x
is not equal to "?", would be x
The resulting variable could be saved in the data frame as x
overwriting the original variable x
, saved with a new name,
or used for something else.

Figure 4.4: Column index of a data frame
4.7.2 Programming skills - Identifying missing data
The first place to check for information about missing data is the documentation for the data. If the data has a code book, it will often indicate values used to identify missing data.
Another approach is to visually scan the data in the data editor or a text editor. This is useful if the data set is smallish and can be open in an excel like format. This method can be difficult if the data set is large or can not be opened in a way that displays columns.
Making exploratory plots of the data is another good method to identify missing value indicators. Unusual and unexpected values become visible in plots.
4.7.3 Examples - R
These examples use the airAccs.csv
data set.
We begin by using the same code as in the prior sections of this chapter to load the tidyverse, import the csv file, and rename the variables.
Note, the
package is also loaded for use in these examples.library(tidyverse) library(lubridate)
airAccs_path <- file.path("..", "datasets", "airAccs.csv") air_accidents_in <- read_csv(airAccs_path, col_types = cols())
Warning: Missing column names filled in: 'X1' [1]
air_accidents_in <- air_accidents_in %>% rename( obs_num = 1, date = Date, plane_type = planeType, dead = Dead, aboard = Aboard, ground = Ground ) air_accidents <- air_accidents_in glimpse(air_accidents)
Observations: 5,666 Variables: 8 $ obs_num <dbl> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, ... $ date <date> 1908-09-17, 1912-07-12, 1913-08-06, 1913-09-09, 19... $ location <chr> "Fort Myer, Virginia", "Atlantic City, New Jersey",... $ operator <chr> "Military - U.S. Army", "Military - U.S. Navy", "Pr... $ plane_type <chr> "Wright Flyer III", "Dirigible", "Curtiss seaplane"... $ dead <dbl> 1, 5, 1, 14, 30, 21, 19, 20, 22, 19, 27, 20, 20, 23... $ aboard <dbl> 2, 5, 1, 20, 30, 41, 19, 20, 22, 19, 28, 20, 20, 23... $ ground <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...
Identifying values that need to be coded as missing.
The description file for the
data set,airAccs.txt
, does not provide any information on missing values.A visual scan can be done using the data browser in RStudio. Take a look at the
data frame and see if there appears to be any missing data.From the visual scan of the data you can see that there are
values in theoperator
columns. (A few of the rows are displayed below.)air_accidents %>% filter(operator == "?" | plane_type == "?") %>% select("location", "operator", "plane_type")
# A tibble: 40 x 3 location operator plane_type <chr> <chr> <chr> 1 Near Yarmouth, England ? Zepplin LZ-95 (air sh~ 2 Pao Ting Fou, China ? ? 3 Fuhlsbuttel, Germany ? LVG C VI 4 Venice, Italy ? de Havilland DH-9 5 Cabrerolles, France Grands Express Aeri~ ? 6 Toul, France CIDNA ? 7 New York, New York ? Sikorsky S-25 8 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ? ? 9 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ? Junkers G24 10 Southesk, Saskatchewan, Can~ Western Canada Airw~ ? # ... with 30 more rows
Note: the entries with
could be changed toNA
using thena
parameter ofread_csv()
. This is not done here to demonstrate techniques that operate on a single column.There are also values in the
column that include?
s with other text. These partial?
entries will be left as they are, since there may be important information in the non-?
part of the entries. The entries with only?
will be changed toNA
.Coding values as
method can be used to change already existing columns or create new columns. The parameter name is the column name to be changed or added. The parameter value is what the column name is set to. We will usemutate()
to replace the?
function selects between two possible values for each row based on the condition value for the row.A common way
is used to to set one of the two values to be the variable (i.e. the existing value of the variable.) Then the variable remains the same except when a particular condition is met. This is how we will use theif_else()
function in this example.The tidyverse conditional functions/methods do more type checking than base R functions. The tidyverse defines a set of NA_*_ values for character, real, and integer. The
value used here isNA_character_
.air_accidents <- air_accidents %>% mutate( operator = if_else(operator == "?", NA_character_, operator) ) air_accidents %>% filter(operator == "?" | plane_type == "?") %>% select("location", "operator", "plane_type")
# A tibble: 25 x 3 location operator plane_type <chr> <chr> <chr> 1 Pao Ting Fou, China <NA> ? 2 Cabrerolles, France Grands Express Aeriens ? 3 Toul, France CIDNA ? 4 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil <NA> ? 5 Southesk, Saskatchewan, Canada Western Canada Airways ? 6 San Barbra, Honduras <NA> ? 7 Miami, Florida Pan American Airways ? 8 Poona, India Military - Indian Air Force ? 9 Off Hampton Roads, Virginia Military - US Navy ? 10 Seljord, Norway Military - U.S. Army Air Corps ? # ... with 15 more rows
values have been changed toNA
's.Other approaches to coding values as
function will replace all occurrences of a specific value,?
in our example, with a different value.The
function is used to change all occurrences of a specific value,?
in our example, toNA
. Thena_if()
function is a special case of therecode()
function.# restore original values of the variables air_accidents <- air_accidents %>% mutate( operator = pull(air_accidents_in, operator), plane_type = pull(air_accidents_in, plane_type) ) air_accidents <- air_accidents %>% mutate( operator = na_if(operator, "?"), plane_type = recode(plane_type, "?" = NA_character_) ) air_accidents %>% filter(operator == "?" | plane_type == "?") %>% select("location", "operator", "plane_type")
# A tibble: 0 x 3 # ... with 3 variables: location <chr>, operator <chr>, plane_type <chr>
The mutate()
, if_else()
, and recode()
functions are used in a large number of wrangling tasks.
Becoming familiar with them will serve you well.
4.7.4 Examples - Python
These examples use the airAccs.csv data set.
We begin by using the same code as in the prior sections of this chapter to load the packages, import the csv file, and rename the variables.
from pathlib import Path import pandas as pd import numpy as np
airAccs_path = Path('..') / 'datasets' / 'airAccs.csv' air_accidents_in = pd.read_csv(airAccs_path) air_accidents_in = ( air_accidents_in .rename( columns={ air_accidents_in.columns[0]: 'obs_num', 'Date': 'date', 'planeType': 'plane_type', 'Dead': 'dead', 'Aboard': 'aboard', 'Ground': 'ground'})) air_accidents = air_accidents_in.copy(deep=True) print(air_accidents.dtypes)
obs_num int64 date object location object operator object plane_type object dead float64 aboard float64 ground float64 dtype: object
Identifying values that need to be coded as missing.
The description file for the
data set,airAccs.txt
, does not provide any information on missing values.A visual scan of this data set can be done using Excel. Take a look at the
file and see if there appears to be any missing data.From the visual scan of the data you can see that there are
values in theoperator
columns. (A few of the rows are displayed below.)(air_accidents .query('operator == "?" | plane_type == "?"') .copy() .loc[:, ["location", "operator", "plane_type"]] .head(n=10) .pipe(print))
location ... plane_type 16 Near Yarmouth, England ... Zepplin LZ-95 (air ship) 63 Pao Ting Fou, China ... ? 66 Fuhlsbuttel, Germany ... LVG C VI 70 Venice, Italy ... de Havilland DH-9 89 Cabrerolles, France ... ? 100 Toul, France ... ? 110 New York, New York ... Sikorsky S-25 143 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ... ? 169 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ... Junkers G24 228 Southesk, Saskatchewan, Canada ... ? [10 rows x 3 columns]
Note: the entries with
could be changed toNaN
using thena_values
parameter ofread_csv()
. This is not done here to demonstrate techniques that operate on a single column.There are also values in the
column that include?
s with other text. These partial?
entries will be left as they are, since there may be important information in the non-?
part of the entries. The entries with only?
will be changed toNA
.Coding values as
method can be used to change already existing columns or create new columns. The parameter name is the column name to be changed or added. The parameter value is what the column name is set to. We will useassign()
to replace the?
can be used to conditionally build a variable. The syntax for thelist comprehension
that we will use is[<True_value> if <condition> else <False_value> for x in <variable> ]
The comprehension loops through all the rows of the
testing each value against thecondition
given. Ifcondition
, theTrue_value
is used for that row, otherwise theFalse_value is used
. Thex
is used to represent the value of the variable at a row. Other variable names besidesx
can be used.A common use of a
is to set one of the two values to be the variable being tested. Then the variable remains the same except when a particular condition is met. This is how it will be used in this example.air_accidents = ( air_accidents .assign( operator=[np.NaN if x == '?' else x for x in air_accidents['operator']], plane_type=[np.NaN if x == '?' else x for x in air_accidents['plane_type']])) (air_accidents .query('operator == "?" | plane_type == "?"') .copy() .loc[:, ["location", "operator", "plane_type"]] .head(n=10) .pipe(print))
Empty DataFrame Columns: [location, operator, plane_type] Index: []
Another approach to coding values as
The pandas
function uses adictionary
to specify what specific value is to be change to and which variables to apply the replacements to.A
is specified as matched pairs of object inside of the curly brackets. The:
operator identifies the name (on the left side) and its paired value (on the right side.) The names are called keys because they are used to look up a value. Commas separate the entries in the dictionary. For example,{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
associates 1 with the key
and 2 with with the keyb
function nestsdictionaries
inside of adictionary
. For example, the dictionary that replaces?
in theoperator
variable would be,{'operator': {'?': np.NaN}}
.This associates
{'?': np.NaN}
with the key (a variable name)operator
. The{'?': np.NaN}
to change?
. If other values were to be changed for theoperator
value, the{'?': np.NaN}
would include those with each separated by a comma. If changes to another variable were to be made, the{'operator': {'?': np.NaN}}
would include those names and theirdictionaries
, each separated by a comma as well. For example,{'operator': {'?': np.NaN, '': np.NaN}, 'location': {'?': np.NaN}}
would change both
and the empty string toNaN
in theoperator
variable and?
in thelocation
variable.# restore original values of the variables air_accidents = ( air_accidents .assign( operator=air_accidents_in['operator'], plane_type=air_accidents_in['plane_type'])) # new code air_accidents = ( air_accidents .replace({ 'operator': {'?': np.NaN}, 'plane_type': {'?': np.NaN}})) (air_accidents .query('operator == "?" | plane_type == "?"') .copy() .loc[:, ["location", "operator", "plane_type"]] .head(n=10) .pipe(print))
Empty DataFrame Columns: [location, operator, plane_type] Index: []
Conditionally create a variable when neither condition is constant.
The prior examples in this section have worked because one of the two test conditions has been a constant value,
. In later sections you will need to choose between two variable values based on a test. Techniques that allow you to do so will be demonstrated here. These examples will replace the?
in the operator withnp.NaN
, but could be used to replace it with a variable that has different values for different observations.The first method will use the
function inside of a comprehension. Thezip()
function creates sets of observations, called tuples, that a comprehension can iterate through.# restore original values of the variables air_accidents= ( air_accidents .assign( na_var = np.NaN, operator=air_accidents_in['operator'])) # new code air_accidents = ( air_accidents .assign( operator=[na if operator == '?' else operator for operator, na in zip(air_accidents['operator'],air_accidents['na_var'])])) (air_accidents .query('operator == "?"') .copy() .loc[:, ["location", "operator", "plane_type"]] .head(n=10) .pipe(print))
Empty DataFrame Columns: [location, operator, plane_type] Index: []
The next method uses
to select between two possible values. The parameters are the condition, true value, and false value. Note,np.where()
is different than thepd.where()
method.# restore original values of the variables air_accidents= ( air_accidents .assign( na_var = np.NaN, operator=air_accidents_in['operator'])) # new code air_accidents = ( air_accidents .assign( operator=np.where( air_accidents['operator'] == '?', air_accidents['na_var'], air_accidents['operator']))) (air_accidents .query('operator == "?"') .copy() .loc[:, ["location", "operator", "plane_type"]] .head(n=10) .pipe(print))
Empty DataFrame Columns: [location, operator, plane_type] Index: []
are other methods and functions that are useful when creating variables based on a condition.Using subsetting to code values as
Subsetting is done by using the
method to subset conditionally on theoperator
variable having the value?
. All of the subsetted values are then changed toNaN
.# restore original values of the operator variable air_accidents['operator'] = air_accidents_in['operator'] air_accidents.loc[air_accidents['operator']=='?', 'operator'] = np.NaN (air_accidents .query('operator == "?" | plane_type == "?"') .copy() .loc[:, ["location", "operator", "plane_type"]] .head(n=10) .pipe(print))
Empty DataFrame Columns: [location, operator, plane_type] Index: []
This does explicitly what
does. Usingreplace()
would be the preferred approach for what we have done here, because this subsetting approach does not allow for method chaining.
4.7.5 Exercises
These exercises use the PSID.csv
data set
that was imported in the prior section.
Import the
data set.Code
s for thekids
variable.Display observations that contain missing values in the