6.3 Aggregating data
These examples use the Car.csv
data set.
Load the
data set.from pathlib import Path import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd
car_path = Path('..') / 'datasets' / 'Car.csv' car_in = pd.read_csv(car_path) car_in = ( car_in .rename(columns={ 'Unnamed: 0': 'id'})) car = car_in.copy(deep=True) (car .head() .pipe(print))
id choice college hsg2 ... station3 station4 station5 station6 0 1 choice1 0 0 ... 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.0 1 2 choice2 1 1 ... 0.1 0.1 1.0 1.0 2 3 choice5 0 1 ... 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.0 3 4 choice5 0 0 ... 0.7 0.7 0.1 0.1 4 5 choice5 0 1 ... 0.7 0.7 1.0 1.0 [5 rows x 71 columns]
Create a categorical variable that identifies the body type that was selected first.
gather_vars = ['type1', 'type2', 'type3', 'type4', 'type5', 'type6'] non_gather_vars = ['id', 'choice', 'college', 'hsg2', 'coml5'] car_type = ( car .loc[:, 'id':'type6'] .melt( id_vars=non_gather_vars, value_vars=gather_vars, var_name='type_order', value_name='type') .assign( order=lambda df: df['type_order'].str.extract('type([\\d]+)', expand=True), choice=lambda df: df['choice'].str.extract('choice([\\d]+)', expand=True)) .drop(columns='type_order') .query('order == choice') .assign( type=lambda df: df['type'].astype('category')) .sort_values(by=['id'])) (car_type .loc[:, ['id', 'choice', 'order', 'college', 'hsg2', 'coml5', 'type']] .head() .pipe(print))
id choice order college hsg2 coml5 type 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 van 4655 2 2 2 1 1 1 van 18618 3 5 5 0 1 0 regcar 18619 4 5 5 0 0 1 regcar 18620 5 5 5 0 1 0 regcar
Create a table of the number of count of the selected types.
car_type_tab = ( car_type .groupby('type') ['type'] .size()) (car_type_tab .pipe(print))
type regcar 2740 sportcar 172 sportuv 242 stwagon 305 truck 565 van 630 Name: type, dtype: int64
Create a table of the number of trucks selected by college degree or not and greater than 2 in the family.
Which of these subgroups selected
as their first choice in greatest numbers.car_truck_tab = ( car_type .query('type == "truck"') .groupby(by=['college', 'hsg2']) ['type'] .size() .reset_index() .pivot( index='hsg2', columns='college', values='type') ) (car_truck_tab .pipe(print))
college 0 1 hsg2 0 133 298 1 52 82
Create the same table with the cells reporting the proportion of these groups that select trucks.
Which of these subgroups was most likely to select a
as their first choice.car_truck_tab = ( car_type .groupby(by=['college', 'hsg2']) ['type'] .aggregate(lambda value: (value == "truck").mean()) .reset_index() .pivot( index='hsg2', columns='college', values='type') ) (car_truck_tab .pipe(print))
college 0 1 hsg2 0 0.170513 0.104893 1 0.173913 0.111717
Create a variable that identifies the price of the first selected vehicle.
gather_vars = ['price1', 'price2', 'price3', 'price4', 'price5', 'price6'] non_gather_vars = list(set(list(car.columns)) - set(gather_vars)) car = ( car .melt( id_vars=non_gather_vars, value_vars=gather_vars, var_name='price_order', value_name='price') .assign( choice=lambda df: df['choice'].str.extract('choice([\\d]+)', expand=True), order=lambda df: df['price_order'].str.extract('price([\\d]+)', expand=True)) .query('order == choice') .drop(columns=['price_order', 'order']) .sort_values(by=['id']) ) print(car.shape)
(4654, 66)
(car .loc[:, ['id', 'choice', 'college', 'hsg2', 'coml5', 'price']] .head() .pipe(print))
id choice college hsg2 coml5 price 0 1 1 0 0 0 4.175345 4655 2 2 1 1 1 3.310947 18618 3 5 0 1 0 3.282154 18619 4 5 0 0 1 5.460066 18620 5 5 0 1 0 4.690508
Create a table that provides the mean and standard deviation of price by college attendance or not groups.
Note, income is not provide in the data set. So price can not be put back on to the original scale. What is being reported is the price normalized by income.
car_price_tab = ( car .groupby(by=['college']) ['price'] .aggregate(['mean', 'std']) .reset_index() ) (car_price_tab .pipe(print))
college mean std 0 0 4.060240 2.069075 1 1 4.158786 1.811278